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#                                                                                 #
#                                    README                                       #
#                                                                                 #
#  NOMAD - Nonlinear Optimization by Mesh Adaptive Direct Search -                #
#                                                                                 #
#  NOMAD - Version 4 has been created and developed by                            #
#                 Viviane Rochon Montplaisir  - Polytechnique Montreal            #
#                 Christophe Tribes           - Polytechnique Montreal            #
#                                                                                 #
#  The copyright of NOMAD - version 4 is owned by                                 #
#                 Charles Audet               - Polytechnique Montreal            #
#                 Sebastien Le Digabel        - Polytechnique Montreal            #
#                 Viviane Rochon Montplaisir  - Polytechnique Montreal            #
#                 Christophe Tribes           - Polytechnique Montreal            #
#                                                                                 #
#  NOMAD 4 has been funded by Rio Tinto, Hydro-Québec, Huawei-Canada,             #
#  NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada),           #
#  InnovÉÉ (Innovation en Énergie Électrique) and IVADO (The Institute            #
#  for Data Valorization)                                                         #
#                                                                                 #
#  NOMAD v3 was created and developed by Charles Audet, Sebastien Le Digabel,     #
#  Christophe Tribes and Viviane Rochon Montplaisir and was funded by AFOSR       #
#  and Exxon Mobil.                                                               #
#                                                                                 #
#  NOMAD v1 and v2 were created and developed by Mark Abramson, Charles Audet,    #
#  Gilles Couture, and John E. Dennis Jr., and were funded by AFOSR and           #
#  Exxon Mobil.                                                                   #
#                                                                                 #
#  Contact information:                                                           #
#    Polytechnique Montreal - GERAD                                               #
#    C.P. 6079, Succ. Centre-ville, Montreal (Quebec) H3C 3A7 Canada              #
#    e-mail: [email protected]                                                       #
#                                                                                 #
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it        #
#  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by       #
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your     #
#  option) any later version.                                                     #
#                                                                                 #
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT    #
#  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or          #
#  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License    #
#  for more details.                                                              #
#                                                                                 #
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License       #
#  along with this program. If not, see <>.           #
#                                                                                 #
#  You can find information on the NOMAD software at           #


NOMAD is a C++ implementation of the Mesh Adaptive Direct Search (MADS)
algorithm, designed for constrained optimization of black-box functions.

The algorithms implemented are based on the book
"Derivative-Free and Blackbox Optimization", by Charles Audet and Warren Hare,
Springer 2017.



[email protected]


This repository is for NOMAD 4. The previous version, NOMAD 3, 
is not on GitHub. NOMAD 3 will be deprecated in the future.

NOMAD 4 is similar in usage to NOMAD 3. 

NOMAD 4 has a new software architecture, uses OpenMP to run 
evaluations in parallel, and also has some new functionalities.


On Linux, Unix, Windows and Mac OS X, NOMAD can be compiled using CMake.
The minimum version of CMake is 3.14. Older versions will trigger
an error. A recent C++ compiler is also required.

Before starting the procedure we recommend to set the environment variable 
$NOMAD_HOME with the path where NOMAD has been copied. For Linux and OSX,

export NOMAD_HOME=/home/myUserName/PathToNomad

For Windows, add an environment variable %NOMAD_HOME% containing the path.
The remaining text uses the $NOMAD_HOME environment variable.

The procedure is the following. On the command line in the
 $NOMAD_HOME directory:

cmake -S . -B build/release     
    ---> Create the CMake files and directories for building (-B) in build/release.
         The source (-S) CMakeLists.txt file is in the $NOMAD_HOME directory.

         To deactivate compilation with OpenMP:
              cmake -DTEST_OPENMP=OFF -S . -B build/release

         To enable *C interface* building:
              cmake -DBUILD_INTERFACE_C=ON -S . -B build/release

         To enable *Matlab* interface building:
              cmake -DBUILD_INTERFACE_MATLAB=ON  -DTEST_OPENMP=OFF -S . -B build/release

              ! Before proceeding, have a look into 

              ! Extra flags might be required to prevent CMake errors. 

              ! Compiler version and Matlab version need to be compatible;
              ! Check
              ! The Matlab interface will not be built if OpenMP is enabled.

              ! An extra addpath Matlab command must be done to have access 
              to nomad Mex binaries:

         To enable *Python* interface (PyNomad) building:
              cmake -DBUILD_INTERFACE_PYTHON=ON -S . -B build/release

              ! Before proceeding, have a look into 

              ! More details are provided in $NOMAD_HOME/interfaces/PyNomad/readme.txt 
              ! Building requires to have Cython. Cython can be obtained with
              Anaconda distribution platform.
              ! On *Windows*, using Visual Studio, see the user guide or the readme
              to properly manage X86/X64 building of binaries. 
         To enable *Java* interface building (with Swig):
              cmake -DBUILD_INTERFACE_JAVA=ON -S . -B build/release

cmake --build build/release --config Release (for *Windows*)
cmake --build build/release (for *OSX* and *Linux*)
    ---> Build all the libraries and applications
         Option --parallel xx can be added for faster build.

         The option --config Release should be used on *Windows* 
         multi-configuration build environment (VisualStudio) to build only
         Release configuration. The default configuration is Debug.
         The same option should be used for *OSX* when using a *Xcode* project. 

cmake --install build/release --config Release (for *Windows*)
cmake --install build/release (for *OSX* and *Linux*)
    ---> Copy binaries and headers in build/release/[bin, include, lib]
         and in the examples/tests directories.

By default, the executable "nomad" will be installed into the directory:
build/release/bin/  (build/debug/bin/ when in debug mode). A symbolic link
is added in the bin directory (not functional for windows).

It is possible to build only a single application in its working directory:
(with NOMAD_HOME environment variable properly set)

cd $NOMAD_HOME/examples/basic/library/example1
cmake --build $NOMAD_HOME/build/release --target example1_lib.exe
cmake --install $NOMAD_HOME/build/release


The procedure to build the debug version is the following.
On the command line in the $NOMAD_HOME directory:

cmake -S . -B build/debug -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
    ---> On *Windows*, all 4 configurations are configured
         (Debug, RelWithDebugInfo, MinSizeRel, Release); flag 
         CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is ignored.

cmake --build build/debug --config Debug (for *Windows*)
cmake --build build/debug (for *OSX* and *Linux*)   
    ---> Build the libraries and applications
         Option --parallel xx can be added for faster build.

cmake --install build/debug --config Debug (for *Windows*)
cmake --install build/debug  (for *OSX* and *Linux*)
    ---> Copy binaries and headers in build/debug/[bin, include, lib]
         and in the examples/tests directories


Batch Mode:
There are examples in batch mode in $NOMAD_HOME/examples/basic/batch/.
In each directory, the blackbox functions (usually named bb) are compiled 
by default. The problem may be resolved using NOMAD and the parameter file:

$NOMAD_HOME/build/release/bin/nomad param.txt

For convenience, the path to $NOMAD_HOME/build/release/bin directory 
can be added to the $PATH environment variable. For *Windows*, this is 
achieved by setting the parameters for environment variable %PATH% to

Library Mode:
There are examples in library mode in $NOMAD_HOME/examples/basic/library/.
In each directory, the executable may be compiled when building
Nomad application. The problems may be resolved by execution,
for instance:


IMPORTANT: Library mode examples with *Windows* require to set 
the %PATH% environment variable (see above). Otherwise, the executables
cannot find NOMAD dlls.