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This repository was archived by the owner on Jan 20, 2023. It is now read-only.


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As of 01/14/2023, RaidProtect has been acquired by Slash FR. The project remains alive, but the new development team decided to drop this rewrite and keep the bot closed-source. This repository is now archived and will not receive any further updates. The license of this repository has been changed to MIT so you can use any part of this code for your own projects without strict restrictions.


Moderate your Discord server easily.
Getting started ➔

GitHub top language GitHub commit activity Translated Chat on Discord Powered by twilight Contributor Covenant

Alpha version: This version of RaidProtect is a complete rewrite and is still under development. It is not the currently available version when inviting the bot on your server. It is not ready for production, do not use it for anything other than testing.

We are open to contributions. Read the contribution guidelines to learn more.

Table of contents
  1. Overview
  2. Installation
  3. Contributing
  4. License

Overview ✨

RaidProtect is an open-source Discord bot focused on moderation and security, built in Rust using twilight libraries. It offers many features, including:

  • Real-time moderation such as anti-spam to prevent malicious users from harming your community by punishing them immediately without human intervention.
  • Protection against automated accounts with active features like a captcha to verify each user that join your server.
  • Powerful moderation tools to allow your moderators to manage punishments easily and keep track of each member.

RaidProtect is trusted by thousands of servers around the world. To add it to yours, follow the instructions on our website.

💡 Feature roadmap

Community and support

Our community lives in our Discord server, we only use this repository to plan the bot development. For any question about the bot, you can join our server and contact our support team. We also provide a user documentation that explains how the bot works.

➡️ Read the user documentation
➡️ Join our Discord server

For more details, read the file.


RaidProtect is written in Rust and uses the latest stable version of the compiler. It is designed to run on a Linux system, but should also work on Windows and macOS (let us know if you have problems). It uses MongoDB as its database and KeyDB (a faster Redis fork) for the cache.

  • Open in GitPod (recommended): the easiest way to launch RaidProtect is to use GitPod, a cloud-based IDE. This allows you to have a ready-to-use environment with everything installed to start developing on the bot. GitPod offers a generous free plan of 50 hours of usage per month.

    Open in Gitpod

  • Running locally: make sure you have a MongoDB database and a Redis database running an available to start the bot. A simple way is to use a Docker (or Podman) container to launch local instances:

    $ docker run --name mongodb-raidprotect -d -p 27017:27017 mongo:latest
    $ docker run --name keydb-raidprotect -d -p 6379:6379 eqalpha/keydb:latest

Creating the bot account

You must create a bot account in order to launch RaidProtect. See this page for more information on how to do this. You also need to enable the server member and message content intents from the bot settings.

➡️ Discord Developer Portal

Then, invite the bot account you created in at least one server to be able to use it. RaidProtect requires the ADMINISTRATOR permission ad the applications.commands scope. You can get an invite URL using the OAuth Url Generator in the Discord Developer Portal.

Basic configuration

RaidProtect load configuration from environment variables prefixed with RAIDPROTECT_.

  • If you are using GitPod, you can set project-specific environment variables using command line or in your account settings (instructions). This is the preferred way to persist variables between multiple workspace.
  • If you develop locally, you can write your environment variables in a .env file in the project root. These variables will be loaded when the bot launches.

The only required configuration is the bot token with the RAIDPROTECT_TOKEN environment variable. This token can be obtained from the Discord Developer Portal.

For a complete and up-to-date list of available configuration options, refer to the raidprotect/src/ file.

Starting the bot

You should be able to compile and launch the bot with cargo run (ensure that both MongoDB and KeyDB/Redis are running locally with the default port - the connection uri can be changed with environment variables). Feel free to ask in our Discord server if you run into any problem.

Congratulations, you now have a working local instance of RaidProtect. 🎉


RaidProtect is an open-source project and we are happy to welcome new contributors. You can help in many ways, from improving functionality to fixing bugs. Feel free to join our Discord server to chat with us, we will be happy to help you get started on the project.

A good place to start is to look at the issues that are not yet assigned and ask to do them. Don't forget to read the contribution guidelines first.

➡️ Contribution guidelines


RaidProtect is licensed under the MIT license.

RaidProtect trademark and logo

The use of the RaidProtect name and logo is allowed only for referring to this project. This must not imply any official involvement without prior permission. If in doubt, ask us before using the RaidProtect name and/or logo.

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Moderate your Discord server easily.







Contributors 4

