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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

💥 breaking change
💥 breaking change
Changes of the public interface, which could break projects.
🐛 bug
🐛 bug
Something isn't working
🔧 chore
🔧 chore
Adjust development setup or update CI
🎨 design
🎨 design
UX expertice is required
🚧 do not merge
🚧 do not merge
There is still work in progress
📝 documentation
📝 documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
🏷️ duplicate
🏷️ duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
✨ feature
✨ feature
New feature or request
💄 figma
💄 figma
There is some work to do in Figma
🏷️ invalid
🏷️ invalid
This doesn't seem right
🚩 milestone
🚩 milestone
Improve performance for LCP & Page Index Speed
💬 question
💬 question
Further information is requested
♻️ refactor
♻️ refactor
Improve existing code
🚀 release
🚀 release
💬 ux & ds sync
:speech_balloon: ux & ds sync
Topics for the weekly exchange between UX & DS Devs
🧪 test
🧪 test
Test a certain part of the library
⬆️ upgrade
⬆️ upgrade
Upgrade assistance
💙 Will be contributed
💙 Will be contributed
This issue is marked to be contributed outside of the core team