Choose a cause that your group really cares about and put together a small informational website using HTML/CSS trying to convince people to donate to or help this cause. This site should be 2-3 pages and look as professional as possible using modern design trends. Research similar websites to get inspiration.
Once you have decided on a cause, begin by selecting one member to create a Git repo with an index.html file, push it to GitHub, and then add the other teammates as collaborators on the repo. Throughout this workshop, each teammate should be communicating often and using GitHub effectively. Remember no one should be working off Master so create branches, resolve merge conflicts, and create and close issues.
● HTML is formatted properly
● CSS is formatted properly
● At least 2-3 pages
● User can clearly navigate throughout website.
● Thoughtful styling has been applied.
● Create issues for each of the different pages and aspects of the site and assign each to
a teammate. You'll be expected to create at least 3 issues
● Make sure that the commit messages for commits involving each issue reference the
issue. For instance, git commit -m "Menu completed, closes #14'