- Egypt
- https://gkstyle.net/
react-simple-typewriter Public
A simple react component for adding a nice typewriter effect to your project.
react-floating-whatsapp Public
Simple react component for adding a floating WhatsApp button to your project.
react-simple-star-rating Public
A simple react component for adding a star rating to your project.
react-material-ui-step-form Public
React Material UI multi steps form with basic form validation logic.
react-form-custom-validation Public
React form validation with custom Hook and Material UI style
JavaScript UpdatedJan 5, 2023 -
sidebar navigation example using react and react-fontawesome
parvos Public
Parvos is Free URL Shortener tool to shorten a long URL and reduce its length. Use our URL Shortener to create a trusted shortened links and share them with your family and friends.
A simple one-minute React app for testing your typing speed.
react-base64-image-encoding Public
Free online base64 encoding support JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, WebP, BMP, SVG formats (max. 1 MB).
This is a JavaScript template for esbuild-create-react-app project
esbuild-create-react-app Public
A minimal replacement for create-react-app using a truly blazing fast esbuild bundler. Up and running in less than 1 minute with almost zero configuration needed.
This is a Typescript template for esbuild-create-react-app project
A Minimal lightweight react component for adding a nice image placeholder
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedOct 8, 2022 -
react-simple-scroll-up Public
A minimal lightweight react component for adding a nice scroll up (back to top) button with onScroll progress.
react-simple-before-after Public
A simple yet powerful react component for adding a nice before after image slider to your project.
react-firebase-dashboard Public
Simple Google authentication sign-in page build with React and firebase.
react-firestore-crud-app-ts Public
A simple CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) React App using Hooks, Cloud Firestore and Bootstrap for the UI.
PasswordKeeper Public
Free password generator/manager tool build with React allows you to create and store a strong random passwords and access from anywhere.
react-firebase-hooks Public
Forked from CSFrequency/react-firebase-hooksReact Hooks for Firebase.
TypeScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 21, 2021 -
react-simple-offcanvas Public
React component for adding a hidden sidebars to your project. Simply this is a Bootstrap 5 Offcanvas component but without installing any dependencies.
react-simple-tabs-component Public
A simple react component for adding accessible easy-to-use Tabs to your project.
custom-qr-code-styling Public
Generate a modern, styled and branded QR Code for Free! Build with React, based on QR Code Styling JS library,
react-bootstrap-accordion Public
A simple react component for adding a nice vertically collapsing accordions based on bootstrap 5 Accordion.
CMB2-conditional-logic Public
A small jQuery plugin for handling conditional logic fields for CMB2.
boilerplate Public template
Forked from React-Avancado/boilerplateBoilerplate to use in our React Avançado course
TypeScript UpdatedJun 18, 2021 -
react-simple-animate-web-site Public
Forked from bluebill1049/react-simple-animate-web-siteReact simple animate web site
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 27, 2021