A Go package to interface with the Apple Push Notification Service
This library implements a few features that we couldn't find in any one library elsewhere:
- Long Lived Clients - Apple's documentation say that you should hold a persistent connection open and not create new connections for every payload
- Use of New Protocol - Apple came out with v2 of their API with support for variable length payloads. This library uses that protocol.
- Robust Send Guarantees - APNS has asynchronous feedback on whether a push sent. That means that if you send pushes after a bad send, those pushes will be lost forever. Our library records the last N pushes, detects errors, and is able to resend the pushes that could have been lost. More reading
go get github.com/timehop/apns
c, _ := apns.NewClient(apns.ProductionGateway, apnsCert, apnsKey)
p := apns.NewPayload()
p.APS.Alert.Body = "I am a push notification!"
p.APS.Badge = 5
p.APS.Sound = "turn_down_for_what.aiff"
m := apns.NewNotification()
m.Payload = p
m.DeviceToken = "A_DEVICE_TOKEN"
m.Priority = apns.PriorityImmediate
c, err := apns.NewClient(apns.ProductionGateway, apnsCert, apnsKey)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("could not create new client", err.Error()
go func() {
for f := range c.FailedNotifs {
fmt.Println("Notif", f.Notif.ID, "failed with", f.Err.Error())
p := apns.NewPayload()
p.APS.Alert.Body = "I am a push notification!"
p.APS.Badge = 5
p.APS.Sound = "turn_down_for_what.aiff"
p.APS.ContentAvailable = 1
p.SetCustomValue("link", "zombo://dot/com")
p.SetCustomValue("game", map[string]int{"score": 234})
m := apns.NewNotification()
m.Payload = p
m.DeviceToken = "A_DEVICE_TOKEN"
m.Priority = apns.PriorityImmediate
m.Identifier = 12312, // Integer for APNS
m.ID = "user_id:timestamp", // ID not sent to Apple – to identify error notifications
f, err := apns.NewFeedback(s.Address(), DummyCert, DummyKey)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Could not create feedback", err.Error())
for ft := range f.Receive() {
fmt.Println("Feedback for token:", ft.DeviceToken)
We use Ginkgo for our testing framework and Gomega for our matchers. To run the tests:
go get github.com/onsi/ginkgo/ginkgo
go get github.com/onsi/gomega
ginkgo -randomizeAllSpecs
- Fork the repo
- Make your changes
- Run the tests
- Submit a pull request
If you need any ideas on what to work on, check out the TODO