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A 3D visualization of your GitHub contributions, inspired by the GitHub skyline project.

How to use

Visit to use the application directly.

Embedding the Skyline in Your Website

You can embed the Skyline webpage into your own web page using an iframe. This allows you to customize options such as disabling zoom and pan, adding a base, changing colors, adjusting lighting (sunlight and indoor lights), and setting the end date of the skyline. The embedded page will not include the header or footer.

Example: My homepage with the embedding

To embed the skyline, click on the "Embed Page" button on the Skyline website. This will take you to a page with the 3D model alone. Use the URL of this page in an iframe on your website.


Customization Options By default, the model enables sunlight, indoorLights, damping, panning, and zoom interactions, disables the base flooring, and uses a "grey" color for the 3D model. You can customize these settings using URL parameters.

Available Parameters:

  • endDate: Set the end date of your 1 year skyline (format: YYYY-MM-DD)
  • color: Set the color of the 3D model (e.g. white, red or %239be9a8 for "#9be9a8" or %2340c463 for "#40c463")
  • sunlight: Enable sunlight (based on your time of day - on equator)
  • indoorLights: Enable indoor lights
  • enableZoom: Enable zoom interaction
  • enablePan: Enable pan interaction
  • enableDamping: Enable damping interaction
  • base: Enable the base flooring

Example URL with Parameters:


Local Development Setup

If you want to contribute to this project, follow these steps:

  1. Run the following commands:

    git clone
    cd skyline
    echo NEXT_PUBLIC_GITHUB_TOKEN= > .env.local
  2. Open the file .env.local and paste your access token, which you can get from here (make sure to adjust the settings for the access token).
    Now your file should look something like this:

  3. Run the following commands:

    npm install
    npm run dev
  4. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser if it doesn't open automatically.

  5. Wait a while for the page to load.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm run dev

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will automatically update if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.

npm run build

Builds the app for production.
It correctly bundles Next.js in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

npm start

Runs the production build locally.
Use this to test the production build before deploying.

The application is deployed on Vercel and automatically updates when changes are pushed to the main branch.