Statistical package for the experimentation platform.
It provides a general Python package and REST API that can be used to evaluate any metric in an AB test experiment.
- Robust two-tailed t-test implementation with multiple p-value corrections and delta methods applied.
- Sequential evaluations allow experiments to be stopped early.
- Connect it to any data source to get either pre-aggregated or per randomization unit data.
- Simple expression language to define arbitrary metrics.
- Sample size estimation.
- REST API to integrate it as a service in experimentation portal with score cards.
We have got a lovely documentation.
ep-stats allows for a quick experiment evaluation. We are using sample testing data to evaluate metric Click-through Rate
in experiment test-conversion
from epstats.toolkit import Experiment, Metric, SrmCheck
experiment = Experiment(
'Click-through Rate',
[SrmCheck(1, 'SRM', 'count(')],
# This gets testing data, use other Dao or get aggregated goals in some other way.
from epstats.toolkit.testing import TestData
goals = TestData.load_goals_agg(
# evaluate experiment
ev = experiment.evaluate_agg(goals)
contains evaluations of exposures, metrics, and checks. This will provide the following output.
exp_id | exp_variant_id | exposures |
test-conversion | a | 21 |
test-conversion | b | 26 |
exp_id | metric_id | metric_name | exp_variant_id | count | mean | std | sum_value | confidence_level | diff | test_stat | p_value | confidence_interval | standard_error | degrees_of_freedom |
test-conversion | 1 | Click-through Rate | a | 21 | 0.238095 | 0.436436 | 5 | 0.95 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1.14329 | 0.565685 | 40 |
test-conversion | 1 | Click-through Rate | b | 26 | 0.269231 | 0.452344 | 7 | 0.95 | 0.130769 | 0.223152 | 0.82446 | 1.18137 | 0.586008 | 43.5401 |
exp_id | check_id | check_name | variable_id | value |
test-conversion | 1 | SRM | p_value | 0.465803 |
test-conversion | 1 | SRM | test_stat | 0.531915 |
test-conversion | 1 | SRM | confidence_level | 0.999000 |
You can install this package via pip
pip install ep-stats
You can run a testing version of ep-stats via
python -m epstats
Then, see Swagger on http://localhost:8080/docs for API documentation.
To get started locally, you can clone the repo and quickly get started using the Makefile
git clone
cd ep-stats
make install-dev
It sets a new virtual environment .venv
in ./.venv
using .venv, installs all development dependencies, and sets pre-commit git hooks to keep the code neatly formatted with ruff.
To run tests, you can use Makefile
as well.
poetry shell # activate python environment
make check
To run a development version of ep-stats do
poetry shell
python -m epstats
To update documentation run
mkdocs gh-deploy
It updates documentation in GitHub pages stored in branch gh-pages
Software engineering practices of this package have been heavily inspired by marvelous site managed by Vincent D. Warmerdam.