Author: Daniel Kraus [email protected]
Version: 0.1
Interface for the atomx rest api.
You have to set atomx-email
and atomx-password
to your
atomx api credentials either by setting those variables directly
or by adding a line like the following to your .authinfo
/ .authinfo.gpg
"machine login [email protected] password your-atomx-pass"
To use in elisp you first have to call atomx-login
before you can
request resources from the api.
E.g. Login, get the publishers list and show the name of the first:
(lambda (p)
(message "First publisher name: %s"
(assoc-default 'name (aref atomx-pub 0)))))
Usage with restclient:
You must have an :api
variable in your restclient buffer that specifies
the atomx api endpoint, e.g.:
:api =
and an :auth-token
variable that holds the value of the auth-token.
Then you can just call M-x atomx-restclient-update-auth-token
and atomx.el will parse the :api
variable, get the correct
login info from your .authinfo.gpg
, fetch a new auth token
and set :auth-token
Converted from atomx.el
by el2markdown.