A lightweight python library to compute cosmological phase transition information, from bubble nucleations to their gravitational wave (GW) signatures and the production of primordial black holes (PBH).
- numpy
- scipy
- gmpy2
- cosmoTransitions
- M. Quiros, "Finite temperature field theory and phase transitions" [9901312]
- Lu, Kawana, Xie, "Old Phase Remnants in First-Order Phase Transitions" [2202.03439]
- Hooper, Krnjaic, McDermott, "Dark Radiation and Superheavy Dark Matter from Black Hole Domination" [1905.01301]
Define your own potential function (with 1-loop improved corrections and thermal corrections) that inherits from the VFT
class. The VFT
class has a method get_Tc()
to search for the critical phase transition temperature of your potential.
One can then pass this potential into BubbleNucleation
class via
bn = BubbleNucleation(my_eff_potential)
which can then compute the nucleation temperature T* via the CosmoTransitions
Primordial black hole (PBH) mass spectrum and their Hawking radiation spectra can be generated via the PBH
Gravitational waves (GW) can be generated via the Gravitational Wave
From Flores, Kusenko, Sasaki (FKS) (arXiv:2402.13341)[https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.13341], a method for solving the Friedmann equations with both radiation and vacuum energy considered. This solver is contained within vac_rad_cosmic_history.py
and can be called by supplying information from an
effective potential, e.g.
ch = CosmicHistoryVacuumRadiation(deltaV=veff(veff.vev, T=0.0), sigma=veff.wall_tension(), vw=1.0)
result = ch.solve_system()
where the output of ch.solve_system()
is a 7-dimensional solution for the parameters with the following mapping:
a, rhoR, v0, v1, v2, v3, r = y[0], y[1], y[2], y[3], y[4], y[5], y[6]
all in units of a dimensionless time parameter. An example solution is shown below for 3 different benchmark phase transitions.
One can then obtain the dimensionful Hubble parameter solution by multiplying by the equilibrium Hubble value (where the vacuum and radiation densities are equal) as
rhoV = ch.rhoV(result.t, result.y)
self.hubble2_data = 0.5 * ch.Heq2 * (rhoV + result.y[1])
Note that, as described in FKS, this solution only applies if the equilibrium point takes place after the critical temperature,
In bgg_fks_collapse.py
we provide a class that takes in the vacuum potential energy density difference,
the bubble wall tension, and the bubble wall velocity and calculates a number of things related to the possibility and
time to collapse to a PBH. For example,
col = FKSCollapse(deltaV=0.01, sigma=0.3, vw=1.0)
for r_fv
does_pbh_form = col.does_pbh_form(r_fv)
returns a True
or False