Devspace is a Continuous Integration tool managed by Jenkins CI providing an automation framework that runs repeated jobs. The default deployment initializes a Jenkins CI master with a predefined set of jobs.
Running and maintaining Devspace requires brief understanding of:
Running and maintaining Devspace in OpenStack requires, in addition, brief understanding of:
Running Devspace requires access to SSH and Git configuration files used for fetching and pushing the Git repositories.
Devspace code depends on the following repositories:
and for OpenStack (optional)
You can either deploy manually a devspace on a Docker host or you can use the Ansible playbooks to deploy a devspace on OpenStack.
The following instructions explain how to deploy a devspace on a Docker host.
Log into the Docker host using ssh
Install the prerequisites Docker engine and Docker compose either globally or in a virtual environment:
$ pip install docker-compose
Create a directory
and change ownership:$ sudo mkdir /data/username $ sudo chown username /data/username
Clone the
Git repository:$ git clone $ cd devspace
Generated self-signed SSL certificates for the Jenkins and NGINX containers:
$ ./sslcert jenkins/sslcert HOST_IP $ ./sslcert nginx/sslcert HOST_IP
alternatively put your own certificate
.crt and .key
in the above locations. -
Copy the SSH and Git configuration files used for fetching and pushing the Git repositories under
. This is usually your own SSH and Git configuration files -
to match your topic name. Specify the Git user corresponding to the confguration files used above. If you do not yet have topic branches available on origin, use "develop" or one of the main branches:$ ./ MYTOPIC --user git_user
This will also replace the
of the various Dockerfile with the ID of the user who will run the devspace, assumed to be:id -u
, i.e. the current user. -
Set environment variables in
, especially:JENKINS_USERNAME=devspace JENKINS_PASSWORD=<password>
Optionally, commit all the deployment changes above on the local clone of the devspace repository.
Start and configure:
Start devspace using
:$ docker-compose up -d
By default, this will use the name of the directory as the project name. In the case of a shared Docker host, it is possible to override the project name using
$ docker-compose up -p my_project -d
Retrieve the dynamic port of the Jenkins NGINX container. You can access the Jenkins UI from https://HOST_IP:PORT after accepting the self-signed certificate:
$ docker-compose -p my_project port nginxjenkins 443
[Optional] Turn on Basic HTTP authentication for Jenkins
sudo htpasswd -c jenkins/conf.d/passwdfile nginx
and update
:auth_basic "Restricted"; auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/conf.d/passwdfile;
The following instructions explain how to deploy a devspace on OpenStack. First, you will need to have an account on OME OpenStack.
The SSH and Git configuration files are used for fetching from and pushing to the Git repositories. They will be copied to the devspace.
The OpenStack and SSH and Git following steps are only need to be done the first time you generate instances.
- Log into OpenStack
- Register a key:
- Go to the
Access & Security
tab - Click on
Key Pairs
and then onImport Key Pair
- Copy the content of the public key you use to access our resources e.g.
- The name you used is referred below as
- Go to the
- Download your configuration:
- Go to the
Access & Security
tab - Then
API Access
- Click on
Download OpenStack RC File v2.0
- The file will be named by default
. It will be used to set environment variables needed to connect to OpenStack via the command line.
- Go to the
In order to be able to push result of the build job to your GitHub account, you will need a SSH key without passphrase. The key must be named id_gh_rsa
The key and the configuration files will be copied to the devspace.
Create a directory
where you wish and a directorydevspace_config/.ssh
Generate a SSH key without passphrase in
directory:$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "your_email_address" -f path/to/devspace_config/.ssh/id_gh_rsa -q -P ""
Upload the corresponding public key i.e.
to your GitHub account -
Create a file
and add the following:Host User git IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_gh_rsa
Create a
file -
Generate a GitHub token and add it to
. Minimally the file should contain:[github] token = your_token user = your_github_username [user] email = your_email_address name = your_real_name
directory should look like:
Clone the
Git repository:$ git clone
Create a virtual environment and from the
directory, installshade
to access OpenStack via the command line andAnsible
:$ virtualenv ~/dev $ . ~/dev/bin/activate $ cd devspace (dev) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
Source the OpenStack configuration file to set the environments variables allowing connection to OpenStack via the command line, adjust to your local configuration:
(dev) $ . path/to/ Enter your password
The following commands need to be executed from the ansible
Install the various ansible roles from the Galaxy website:
(dev) $ cd ansible (dev) $ ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
To "upgrade" roles, you may want to specify --force
when installing the roles.
Create an instance on OpenStack using the playbook
. It is recommended to prefix the name of the devspace by your name or your initals:(dev) $ ansible-playbook create-devspace.yml -e vm_name=your_name-devspace-name -e vm_key_name=your_openstack_key
By default the size of the volume is 50
GiB, if you required a larger size, it can be set by passing for example -e vm_size=100
The Floating IP of the generated instance is referred as devspace_openstack_ip
- To provision the devpace, use the playbook
. Before running the playbook you will minimally need to edit the value of the parameter:configuration_dir_path
: set it topath/to/devspace_config
See ansible-role-devspace for a full list of supported parameters. Provision the devspace by running:
(dev) $ ansible-playbook -u centos -i devspace_openstack_ip, provision-devspace.yml
Ports to access the various services are dynamically assigned. You will have to log in to the devspace as the omero
user to determine the port used by a given service using your usual ssh key and not the id_gh_rsa
ssh omero@devspace_openstack_ip
cd devspace
The port to access the Jenkins UI is obtained by running:
docker-compose port nginxjenkins 443
The output of the command looks like:
WARNING: The JENKINS_PASSWORD variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string. WARNING: The USER_ID variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
is the assigned port$JENKINS_PORT
The Jenkins UI will be available at:
The port to access OMERO.web is obtained by running:
docker-compose port nginx 80
The command will generate a similar output that the one above
WARNING: The JENKINS_PASSWORD variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string. WARNING: The USER_ID variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
is the assigned port$WEB_PORT
OMERO.web will be available at
The port to access OMERO.insight or OMERO.cli is obtained by running:
docker-compose port omero 4064
The command will generate a similar output that the one above
WARNING: The JENKINS_PASSWORD variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string. WARNING: The USER_ID variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
is the assigned port$SERVER_PORT
To login either via OMERO.insight or OMERO.cli use
as the port value anddevspace_openstack_ip
as the server value. You must use the secure connection.
The default deployment initializes a Jenkins server with a predefined set of jobs.
The table below lists the job names, the Jenkins node labels and the associated docker they are associated with and a short description of the jobs.
Job name | Name | Description | docker name |
Trigger | Runs all the following jobs in order | ||
BIOFORMATS-push | testintegration | Merges all Bio-Formats PRs | devspace_testintegration_1 |
BIOFORMATS-build | testintegration | Builds Bio-Formats components | devspace_testintegration_1 |
BIOFORMATS-image | testintegration | Builds a Docker image of Bio-Formats | devspace_docker_1 |
OMERO-push | testintegration | Merges all OMERO PRs | devspace_testintegration_1 |
OMERO-build | testintegration | Builds OMERO artifacts (server, clients) | devspace_testintegration_1 |
OMERO-server | omero | Deploys an OMERO.server | devspace_omero_1 |
OMERO-web | web | Deploys an OMERO.web client | devspace_web_1 |
OMERO-test-integration | testintegration | Runs the OMERO integration tests | devspace_testintegration_1 |
OMERO-robot | testintegration | Runs the Robot tests | devspace_testintegration_1 |
nginx | nginx | Reloads the nginx server | devspace_nginx_1 |
OMERO-docs | testintegration | Builds the OMERO documentation | devspace_testintegration_1 |
This means that by default the following repositories need to be forked to your GitHub account:
If you do not have some of the repositories forked, you will need to remove the jobs from the list
of jobs to run either from the Trigger job configuration
or directly from the Jenkins UI i.e. Trigger > Configure
Name | Version | Optional |
Java | openJDK 1.8 | openJDK 1.8 devel, oracleJDK 1.8 |
Python | 2.7 | - |
Ice | 3.6 | 3.5 |
PostgreSQL | 9.4 | |
Nginx | 1.8 | - |
Redis | latest | |
See Troubleshooting
In order to install additional components or new version of packages e.g. PostgreSQL 10, it is required to:
- Modify the files in omero-install
- Create a new image of devslave-c7-docker using the updated omero-install files
- Push the new image to Docker Hub. You will need to your own account
- Modify each Dockerfile of this repository to use the new image
See Changelog