WORK IN PROGRESS... Only compatible with a 1080p desktop atm. Responsiveness coming later. Demo at :
Description & Technical Challenges :
This Application has been designed with Figma and built using |
. My goal was to merge the most useful features of Amazon Prime and IMDb into one website. Most datas used to populate the pages have been scraped using a tool I built with the help of
: Some others come from the Omdb API.
All the Components / Services have been tested using , with a 100% coverage being reached. Doing so was especially tricky since adding some new custom features to the popular JSDOM library was needed in order to test my more complex components.
The Home page is displaying three types of custom slideshows :
The top one has some big banners in a rotation, using React and CSS. Nothing fancy.
The second one is more advanced, featuring cards that open and display a video asynchronously when hovered over. Additionally, the cards automatically center themselves to ensure the video is never cut off.
The third one displays cards that open vertically, accompanied by a countdown of the remaining time for the user to finish watching the movie.
Clicking on a card redirects the user to a page dedicated to the selected TV show or movie.
An asynchronous trailer is then loaded and played, with the option to activate sound using a button.
The user can access more information about their show through a submenu with the following items : Episodes, Cast & Crew, Photos, User Reviews.
At the bottom of the movie page, a list of episodes is displayed if relevant.
As the user scrolls down the page, the episodes are loaded asynchronously in a manner similar to Twitter.
--- THE CAST ---