I am a software engineer and a robotics MSc student. In this account I will be uploading my university practices and personal projects, and contribute to the open source and free software community.
Some practices I made during my study of software engineering:
- Multilayer-Perceptron-In-C: This is my solution to a final practice that consisted in developing a multilayer perceptron from the Programming Fundamentals subject.
- Programming-Fundamentals-in-C-Practices: Programmed in C using linked lists, implemented with dynamic memory allocation, arrays, pointers and structs for the Programming Fundamentals subject.
- Algorithms-And-Complexity-Practices: Practices from Algorithms and Complexity subject. It contains practices about complexity analysis, sorting algorithms, Divide and conquer, Backtracking/Branch&Bound, Greedy and Dynamic programming algorithmic schemes.
Other practices I made during my study of robotics MSc:
- DataAnalytics: Tasks I made for the Data Analytics subject of the MSc I am studying, related to data processing and model selection.
- ArtificialVision: Exercises from Artificial Vision subject of the MSc I am studying. Image processing, and computer vision with Matlab.
In progress
- HanoiTowersABBRobot: Implementation of a solution to the Hanoi Towers Problem using an ABB robot and programmed in RAPID language, for the robot programming subject.
More comming soon!