An immersive iOS story creation and reading app powered by AI, offering interactive storytelling experiences through advanced natural language processing and dynamic narrative generation.
- Core Features
- Technical Overview
- Installation
- Architecture
- UI Components
- AI Integration
- Performance
- Security
- Contributing
- Documentation
- Testing
- Deployment
- License
- Advanced Prompt System
- Context-aware story generation
- Genre-specific templates
- Character development frameworks
- Plot structure guidance
- Real-time Generation
- Progressive story loading
- Continuous generation feedback
- Error handling and recovery
- Customization Options
- Style adaptation
- Tone control
- Length management
- Complexity settings
- Library Organization
- Custom collections
- Smart folders
- Tags and categories
- Search functionality
- Reading Progress
- Bookmarking system
- Progress synchronization
- Reading statistics
- Achievement system
- Content Filtering
- Age-appropriate content control
- Genre filtering
- Length-based sorting
- Popularity metrics
- Dynamic Content
- Branching narratives
- Choice-based progression
- Multiple endings
- Character relationships
- Accessibility Features
- VoiceOver support
- Dynamic type
- Custom font options
- High contrast modes
- Reading Modes
- Night mode
- Sepia mode
- Custom themes
- Font customization
- iOS Requirements
- iOS 17.0 or later
- 64-bit devices only
- Minimum 2GB RAM
- 100MB free space
- Development Requirements
- Xcode 15.0+
- Swift 5.9+
- macOS Sonoma 14.0+
- Git 2.3.0+
# Podfile
pod 'Alamofire', '~> 5.8.0'
pod 'SwiftyJSON', '~> 5.0.0'
pod 'Realm', '~> 10.45.0'
pod 'Lottie', '~> 4.3.0'
pod 'SwiftLint', '~> 0.52.0'
# Clone the repository
git clone
# Navigate to project directory
cd storytime-2.0
# Install dependencies
pod install
# Open workspace
open StoryTime.xcworkspace
- Create
in the project root - Add required API keys and environment variables
- Select appropriate build scheme
- Build and run the project
// Example ViewModel Structure
class StoryViewModel: ObservableObject {
@Published var stories: [Story] = []
@Published var isLoading: Bool = false
private let storyService: StoryService
init(storyService: StoryService = StoryService()) {
self.storyService = storyService
func fetchStories() async {
isLoading = true
defer { isLoading = false }
do {
stories = try await storyService.fetchStories()
} catch {
// Error handling
graph TD
A[View] --> B[ViewModel]
B --> C[Service Layer]
C --> D[Local Storage]
C --> E[API Client]
E --> F[Gemini AI API]
D --> G[CoreData]
- Story Card
- Adaptive layout
- Gesture handling
- Animations
- State management
- Reading View
- Custom page transitions
- Progress indicator
- Navigation controls
- Interactive elements
- Editor Interface
- Rich text support
- Real-time preview
- Formatting tools
- Version control
struct StoryTimeColors {
static let primary = Color("PrimaryBlue")
static let secondary = Color("SecondaryGreen")
static let accent = Color("AccentOrange")
static let background = Color("BackgroundGray")
static let text = Color("TextColor")
struct StoryTimeFonts {
static let title = Font.custom("Merriweather-Bold", size: 24)
static let body = Font.custom("OpenSans-Regular", size: 16)
static let caption = Font.custom("OpenSans-Light", size: 14)
class GeminiService {
private let apiKey: String
private let baseURL = ""
init() {
guard let apiKey = Bundle.main.infoDictionary?["GEMINI_API_KEY"] as? String else {
fatalError("Gemini API Key not found")
self.apiKey = apiKey
func generateStory(prompt: String) async throws -> Story {
// AI story generation implementation
- Prompt Processing
- Context Analysis
- Story Generation
- Content Filtering
- Format Conversion
- Quality Assurance
- Memory Management
- Image caching
- View recycling
- Resource pooling
- Network Optimization
- Request batching
- Response caching
- Compression
- Storage Efficiency
- Data normalization
- Incremental loading
- Cache management
Operation | Target Time | Current Average |
App Launch | < 2s | 1.8s |
Story Load | < 1s | 0.7s |
AI Generation | < 5s | 4.2s |
Save Story | < 0.5s | 0.3s |
- End-to-end encryption for user stories
- Secure storage of API keys
- Network security measures
- Input validation
- Local data processing
- Anonymous analytics
- GDPR compliance
- Data retention policies
- Fork the repository
- Create feature branch
- Implement changes
- Add tests
- Submit pull request
// Example style guide
struct ExampleView: View {
// MARK: - Properties
@State private var isLoading: Bool = false
// MARK: - Body
var body: some View {
VStack {
if isLoading {
} else {
// MARK: - Private Methods
private func loadContent() {
// Implementation
# Run tests
xcodebuild test -workspace StoryTime.xcworkspace -scheme StoryTime -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 15 Pro'
- Unit Tests
- Integration Tests
- UI Tests
- Performance Tests
- Version bump
- Update changelog
- Build release
- Submit to App Store
- TestFlight distribution
- Beta testing groups
- Feedback collection
- Issue tracking
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.
- Gemini AI for AI capabilities
- SwiftUI for UI framework
- Swift Package Manager for dependency management
- Our amazing contributors and beta testers