This repository contains a copy of the source code for the SwingX library. The code was downloaded from the SwingX development SVN repository on before Oracle acquired Sun and took that site offline permanently. The code is therefore more recent than any released version of SwingX. It might have had version number 1.6.6 had it ever been released.
The code was downloaded from The downloaded commit was SVN revision 4316 by user "kleopatra", made at 11:59:46 AM, Wednesday, October 09, 2013.
Other repositories have copies of the entire original SVN revision history:
See also this Stack Overflow question and its answers and comments:
The original SwingX source code included Maven pom.xml files, but did not include any development environment configuration files. The build-swingx-demos branch of this repository adds Eclipse project files so that the source code can be imported in Eclipse easily.
The build-swingx-demos branch also modifies the pom files to build the swingx-demos project, which is disabled by default. swingx-demos contains SwingXSet, which is a useful demo program that shows off various nonstandard Swing components added by SwingX, similar to what the SwingSet program does for the base set of Swing components.
If you are just looking for a binary of SwingXSet so that you can preview the various SwingX components, you can download an executable JAR file from the releases page.
Readme - SwingLabs SwingX Project -
SwingX is a library of components and utilities extending the Java Swing library; read more at our website,, and Wiki page,
- Check out the lastest code Download the latest release from our SVN repository; full instructions are at
SwingX relies on Maven for controlling compilation, building docs, testing, etc. You can use our POM files to build the project, some IDEs can directly invoke Maven for you.
To compile from the command line, you'll need to have Apache Maven 3.x installed; see
You can build SwingX by going to the command line and typing mvn package
That should be it--this will test and build swingx.jar in the target directory.