# enter home directory
# clone bare into ~/.dotfiles folder
git clone [email protected]:arekmaz/dotfiles.git --bare .dotfiles
# checkout the actual content from the bare repository in ~
git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME checkout main .
# set the global flag excludesFile to the .gitignore.defaults file
git config --global core.excludesFile '~/.gitignore.defaults'
Restart the shell or run: source ~/.bashrc
or . ~/.bashrc
From now on you can use the ,dot
script as a replacement for git
command for dotfiles.
Alternatively you can use the ,lazydot
if you have lazygit installed.
All my scripts are prefixed with ,
for an easier separation from other programs.
One particular command is the ,m command tree monolith (inspired by
To set it up, install Bun and then: cd ~/scripts/bun && bun install
, that's it.
Now you can run stuff like ,m weather -lc