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A Pokémon encyclopedia in your terminal! This interactive command-line application allows you to explore the Pokémon world, discover Pokémon in different location areas, catch them, and build your own Pokédex.

Pokedex Go


  • Explore the Pokémon world: Navigate through different location areas
  • Discover Pokémon: Find which Pokémon inhabit each area
  • Catch 'em all: Try your luck at catching Pokémon (higher-level Pokémon are harder to catch!)
  • Build your Pokédex: Keep track of all the Pokémon you've caught
  • Inspect Pokémon: View detailed information about your caught Pokémon
  • Caching system: Efficient data management with timed cache to reduce API calls



  • Go 1.24 or higher

Building from source

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd pokedexcli
  3. Build the application:

    go build
  4. Run the application:


How to Play

  1. Start the application by running ./pokedexcli in your terminal
  2. You'll be greeted with a Pokedex > prompt
  3. Type help to see all available commands
  4. Use map to view location areas you can explore
  5. Use explore [location-name] to see which Pokémon are in that area
  6. Try to catch Pokémon with catch [pokemon-name]
  7. View your caught Pokémon with pokedex
  8. Inspect a caught Pokémon's details with inspect [pokemon-name]


Command Description Example
help Displays all available commands help
exit Exits the Pokedex application exit
map Shows the next 20 location areas map
mapb Shows the previous 20 location areas mapb
explore Lists Pokémon in a specified area explore pallet-town
catch Attempts to catch a Pokémon catch pikachu
inspect Shows details of a caught Pokémon inspect pikachu
pokedex Lists all caught Pokémon pokedex

Example Session

Pokedex > map

Pokedex > explore eterna-city-area
exploring eterna-city-area...
Found Pokemon:
- glameow
- stunky
- bronzor
- rapidash

Pokedex > catch glameow
Throwing a Pokeball at glameow...
glameow was caught!
You may now inspect it with the inspect command

Pokedex > inspect glameow
Name: glameow
Height: 5
Weight: 39
 - hp: 49
 - attack: 55
 - defense: 42
 - special-attack: 42
 - special-defense: 37
 - speed: 85
 - normal

Pokedex > pokedex
Your Pokedex:
 - glameow

How It Works

This application uses the PokeAPI to fetch data about Pokémon and location areas. It implements a simple caching system to reduce API calls and improve performance.

When catching Pokémon, the success rate is influenced by the Pokémon's base experience - powerful Pokémon are harder to catch!

Future Enhancements

  • Update the CLI to support the "up" arrow to cycle through previous commands
  • Simulate battles between Pokémon
  • Add more unit tests
  • Refactor code for better organization and testability
  • Keep Pokémon in a "party" and allow them to level up
  • Allow caught Pokémon to evolve after a set amount of time
  • Persist a user's Pokédex to disk to save progress between sessions
  • Make exploration more interactive with directional choices
  • Implement random encounters with wild Pokémon
  • Add support for different types of Poké Balls with varying catch rates


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


  • Data provided by PokeAPI
  • Inspired by the Pokémon game series


Pokedex in a command-line REPL






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