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Wine-WoW64 + Box64 for Termux Android glibc and/or proot (no root required).


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Wine-WoW64 + Box64 presetuped for termux glibc/proot (aarch64)

with minimal dependencies as possible and install only what needed.

Current state


Version: 10.3 (Stable)


Version: 0.3.3 (Devel)


(Using xow64 on proot read the tutorial from here)

Install desktop for native termux

(Read for more info on how to setup xfce4)


(using termux-desktop from here)

Make sure if wget is installed

pkg install wget

Install xow64

cd $HOME && rm -rf ~/xow64 && wget && chmod +x ~/xow64

and then

~/xow64 install

Usage (inside desktop environment native termux):

Switch to different version of wine (default is 10.3-stable)

Other available versions:

9.18-staging (fix crash gecko iexplore)

Wine 10.3 staging

~/xow64 wine=10.3-staging

Wine 9.18 staging

~/xow64 wine=9.18-staging

Switch back to default version (10.3-stable)

~/xow64 wine=default

Run and check wine version

~/xow64 r --version

Run winecfg

~/xow64 r winecfg

Run any specific *.exe

~/xow64 r app_name.exe

or run any *.exe with any specific path

cd ~/'.to/Prog Files/app/path' && ~/xow64 r app_name.exe

Launch GPU Caps (test OpenGL and Vulkan)

~/xow64 gpucaps

Launch TestD3D (D3D9)

~/xow64 testd3d

Launch CubeMap (test EnvMapping D3D9)

~/xow64 cubemap

Launch SphereMap (test EnvMapping D3D9)

~/xow64 spheremap

Launch wine in windows desktop mode, configure desktop size like so

(or any standard windows screen size)

~/xow64 desk-size=1024x768

and then simply start using

~/xow64 s

Quit wine or terminate all wine related process

~/xow64 q

OpenGL/ES drivers:

Using newer build of virgl (virpipe) driver

(Universal android 9+ with vulkan 1.1+ GPU supported only)

(Read more for virgl-angle additional usage from here)

~/xow64 driver=virpipe

Using virpipe angle driver

~/xow64 vgl-use=angle

Using virpipe native android driver (less stable might using older version of virgl)

~/xow64 vgl-use=android

Using virgl 4.3COMPAT profile (default is OpenGL 4.1COMPAT)

support OpenGL 2.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1 and 4.3 with COMPAT

~/xow64 vgl-compat=4.3

Switch back virgl to default COMPAT profile.

~/xow64 vgl-compat=4.1

Fix virgl color/visual problems on d3d9+ (Direct X) apps/games

~/xow64 vgl-cfg=d3d

Reconfigure virgl for OpenGL/ES apps/games

~/xow64 vgl-cfg=gl

Using panfork/panfrost driver for some specific supported

Mali-G310+ (G610, G710..) series

~/xow64 driver=panfrost

install panfrost driver for glibc from here (not required for proot mode)

make sure termux-x11 is using DRI3 and if experiencing driver error when using panfrost driver

try disable BOX64_MMAP32 environment (if not error, just skip)

disabling MMAP32 causes wine to run slightly slower (when running 32-bit games/apps)

~/xow64 env-add BOX64_MMAP32=0

Check the environment variable

~/xow64 env-info

Re-enable BOX64_MMAP

~/xow64 env-remove BOX64_MMAP32=0

Switch back using default OpenGL driver using any default preconfigured termux gl drivers including virgl (if any)

~/xow64 driver=default

Direct 3D support for OpenGL drivers

Using WineD3D version 3.21 (faster for some older games)

~/xow64 wined3d=3.21

and then (for wined3d 3.21 only: changing deviceId back to default is required if previously changed to something else)

~xow64 device=default

Using WineD3D version 4.21 (relatively faster for some specific games)

~/xow64 wined3d=4.21

Switch back using default builtin WineD3D version, the newer the better compatibility and stability

~/xow64 wined3d=default

Vulkan drivers:

Using vulkan llvmpipe, extremely slow for testing only (Universal CPUs)

~/xow64 vk=lvp

Using vulkan turnip driver (for Adreno GPUs)

~/xow64 vk=turnip

Using vulkan radeonsi driver (for AMD based GPUs such Xclipse)

~/xow64 vk=radeon

Switch back using default vulkan driver (if any)

~/xow64 vk=default

Direct 3D support for vulkan drivers:

Using dxvk-proton (supported on vulkan llvmpipe and any supported GPU driver)

~/xow64 vkd3d=true

Disable dxvk-proton (vkd3d)

~/xow64 vkd3d=false

Using dxvk-glasync-proton for more pleasant experience (supported on vulkan the same as dxvk-proton)

~/xow64 vkd3d-async=true

Disable dxvk-glasync-proton (vkd3d)

~/xow64 vkd3d-async=false

If experiencing error on some specific vulkan drivers use the older supported version from here or use modified dxvk version from here

Additional usage:

Adding any custom environment variable (e.g: disabling MMAP32)

~/xow64 env-add BOX64_MMAP32=0

Check list of the added custom environment variables

~/xow64 env-info

Remove the added custom environemnt variable

~/xow64 env-remove BOX64_MMAP32=0

Reset custom environment variables to default

~/xow64 env-default

Using custom graphic card deviceId and vendorId, some games require the deviceId to be available on the system

use custom GPU code name (GeForce GTX 950M)

~/xow64 device=gtx950m

or (GeForce GTX 980)

~/xow64 device=gtx980

or (UHD Graphics 630)

~/xow64 device=uhd630

Swich back to default deviceId

~/xow64 device=default

Enable winedlloverride for cnc-ddraw

~/xow64 cnc-ddraw=true

Disable winedlloverride for cnc-ddraw

~/xow64 cnc-ddraw=false

Disable wine debugger (for stability)

~/xow64 debug=false

Re-enable wine debugger

~/xow64 debug=true

Using custom WINEPREFIX to the new specific path (default is .xow64_wine)

(after changing WINEPREFIX make sure to reconfigure most of things such update-patch, renabling vkd3d and .etc if previously being enabled)

e.g: change to .wine


Install box64 v0.3.2 (available box64 v0.3.0 to v0.3.3 glibc only)

~/xow64 box64=0.3.2

Update box64 to newer version (v0.3.3 glibc only)

~/xow64 update-box64

Update wine

~/xow64 update-wine

Update graphics drivers

~/xow64 update-drivers

Update angle-android (android 9+ only)

~/xow64 update-angle

Update virglrenderer (android 10+ only)

~/xow64 update-virgl

Update dxvk-proton (vkd3d)

~/xow64 update-vkd3d

Update dxvk-proton async (vkd3d)

~/xow64 update-vkd3d-async

Update patch

~/xow64 update-patch

Remove specific installed version of wine (e.g: 10.2-staging)

~/xow64 wine-remove=10.2-staging

Remove specific installed version of box64 (e.g: 0.3.2)

~/xow64 box64-remove=0.3.2

Uninstall (remove) xow64-wine completely

~/xow64 remove-all


  • Using virtual controller, install InputBrige

    From here

    and start command in desktop termux terminal

    ~/xow64 s

    and then StartIB.cmd from wine start menu (desktop mode) before launching any game, then open InputBridge app on android device and then start configuring control buttons as need.

  • If experiencing any emulation issue for specific app/game

    try using different version of box64, wine, configuration (especially box64 environment variables) and drivers available above accordingly.

  • If there's problem when installing xow64, make sure the latest correct termux app version is installed.

    (tested using termux-app-v0.119.0-beta.1)

Addtional guide:

Additional troubleshoot

  • Fix virgl-angle vulkan support for some devices

    such encountered on this issue

    pkg remove *icd-swrast && pkg install vulkan-loader-generic wget && cd && rm -rf ~/mesa-vulkan-icd-wrapper_25.0.0-1_aarch64.deb && wget && dpkg -i ~/mesa-vulkan-icd-wrapper_25.0.0-1_aarch64.deb
  • Fix for some android 12+ devices with [Process completed (signal 9) - ...] issue using adb:

    adb shell "settings put global settings_enable_monitor_phantom_procs false"

    and set max_phantom_processes as well

    adb shell "/system/bin/device_config set_sync_disabled_for_tests persistent"
    adb shell "/system/bin/device_config put activity_manager max_phantom_processes 2147483647"

    and then restart/reboot device. read more for more info from here or here

Other links for credits (3rd parties):

InputBridge Wiki

XinputBridge Wiki


Wine-WoW64 + Box64 for Termux Android glibc and/or proot (no root required).








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