Proof of Concept for an p2p open market for insuring escrow based transactions on the blockchain.
Suppose Party A
is a malevolent corporate competitor to Party B
in the manufacturing industry. In the pursuit of total market domination, Party A
attempts to grief Party B
by increasing it's inventory loss and accounts receivables default rate by making multiple orders and withdrawing the payment at the last minute.
Being suspicious, Party B
demands that it will only go through with the transaction if Party A
creates an insured escrow transaction. In the event that Party B
sends the goods, but Party A
decides to default on the transaction, a third party Party C
provides insurance up to the maximum value of the transaction to be paid out to Party B
for inventory loss expenses.
If, however, the transaction goes through, Party C
is paid a premium on the transaction value, for providing insurance services and absorbing risk.
- Clone repo
$ git clone eotim
cd eotim && npm install
- Start
- Deploy contracts:
truffle migrate --reset
- Start the server:
npm run start
- Navigate over to http://localhost:3000
- Make sure you have MetaMask
- ???
- Profit???
- Escalation of claims on transaction to disburse insurance back 🔥
- Proof of Goods Arrival // defaulting of payment to counter party 🔥
- Registry Contract with insured, owned, settled contracts for queries
- View my insured transactions view 🔥
- Better architecture with registry and action relayer
- Filtering market contracts
React, Redux, Truffle, Solidity
This repository code is open sourced under Apache 2.0