- 🎻 Composable access to tRPC client, Queries, Mutations, and Subscriptions.
- ✔️ Configurable reactivity per query, mutation and subscription.
- 🗒️ Reactive Execution list for loading indicators.
- 🔃 Built-in tracking of reactive headers, procedure arguments and subscription arguments.
- 🔥 Automatic re-fetch and re-subscribe.
- 📦 Reactive data procedures and subscriptions.
- ☯️ Built with vue-demi to support Vue 2 and Vue 3.
- ⌨️ Built with TypeScript providing TypeSafe options.
npm i use-trpc
By default reactive
objects will automatically be tracked and trigger a new execution when they change
<script setup lang="ts">
import { reactive, ref } from 'vue'
import type { Router } from '../../path/to/trpc/router'
import { useTRPC } from 'use-trpc'
const { useQuery, useMutation } = useTRPC<Router>({
url: import.meta.env.VITE_tRPC_URL
const id = ref(0)
const { data } = useQuery('getUser', { args: reactive({ id }) })
<pre>{{ data }}</pre>
<button @click="id=10">GetUser</button>
// Shared composable for your app to get the active token
const { token } = useToken()
const headers = reactive({
Authorization: computed(() => `Bearer ${token.value}`),
// All procedures using this client will react and re-execute
// when the headers change
const { useQuery, useMutation } = useTRPC<Router>({
url: import.meta.env.VITE_tRPC_URL,
const id = ref(0)
const { data } = useQuery('getUser', { args: reactive({ id }) })
// Will trigger an execution of getUser with the id of 10
id.value = 10
When using a getter function for arguments reactive tracking will not be automatic. To Opt back
into it you can set reactive
to true
and the getter function will be watched
const id = ref(0)
const { data } = useQuery('getUser', { args: () => reactive({ id }) })
// Will not trigger an execution of getUser with the id of 10
id.value = 10
const token = ref('')
const headers = reactive({
Authorization: computed(() => `Bearer ${token.value}`),
// Pass in a complete tRPC client proxy config for complete control
const { client, isExecuting, executions, useQuery, useMutation } = useTRPC<Router>({
client: {
links: [
url: import.meta.env.VITE_tRPC_URL,
const { useQuery, useSubscription, isExecuting, executions } = useTRPC<Router>({
url: import.meta.env.VITE_tRPC_URL,
wsUrl: import.meta.env.VITE_tRPC_WSURL,
const { useQuery, useSubscription, isExecuting, executions } = useTRPC<Router>({
url: import.meta.env.VITE_tRPC_URL,
wsUrl: import.meta.env.VITE_tRPC_WSURL,
// this can also be LoggerLinkOptions top configure a logger manually
logger: true
const { data, execute, executing, immediatePromise, pause, paused, unpause } = useQuery(
// path to the procedure
// useQuery configuration
// arguments for the procedure could also be `{id}`, `() => ({id})`, or `() => reactive({id})`
args: reactive({ id }),
immediate: true,
initialData: { name: 'Bob' },
msg: 'Loading User',
// Full control of reactive tracking
reactive: {
args: true,
headers: false
const {
} = useSubscription(
// path to the topic to subscribe to
// useSubscription configuration
// input arguments for this subscription (can also be reactive, ref, or a getter function)
args: 'auth-token',
initialData: { start: 0, uptime: 0 },
immediate: true,
onData(data) {
console.log('onData', data)
onError(err) {
console.log('onError', err)
onComplete() {
console.log('subscription completed')
onStarted() {
console.log('subscription started')
onStopped() {
console.log('subscription stopped')
Property | Description |
url | (string) URL to your TRPC Endpoint |
wsUrl | (string) URL to your TRPC Websocket Endpoint |
headers | Reactive or plain object or a function that returns a reactive or plain object |
logger | Boolean or logger options to create a tRPC logger |
transformer | Data transformer to serialize response data |
client | Full tRPC client config |
isWebSocketConnected | (Ref) Used to indicate websocket connection status when using a custom client config |
silent | (boolean) Suppress any warning or error logs |
When using the full client config with reactive headers you must also pass the reactive headers object, or function, into
as well. This allows for tracking of changes and re-execution of procedures
Property | Description |
args | (any or () => any) arguments to pass along as query params or mutation body |
immediate | (boolean) execute the procedure immediately |
initialData | Seed data for the reactive data property |
reactive | (boolean or {headers: boolean, args: boolean}) Force reactivity on/off |
msg | (string) Message to edd to execution array when this procedure runs |
Property | Description |
args | (any or () => any) arguments to pass along as params for the subscription |
onData | Callback when server emits a message for this topic |
onError | Callback when the server emits an error for this topic |
onStarted | Callback when a subscription is started |
onComplete | Callback when the server emits subscription completed |
onStopped | Callback when a subscription is stopped |
initialData | Seed data for the reactive data property |
immediate | (boolean) subscribe to the topic immediately |
reactive | (boolean or {headers: boolean, args: boolean}) Force reactivity on/off |
Property | Description |
client | tRPC client for manual execution of procedures |
isExecuting | (Ref) boolean indicating if any procedure is executing |
executions | (Ref) array of procedure execution messages |
connected | (Ref) boolean indicates if the socket is connected |
useQuery | useQuery Composable for this client |
useMutation | useMutation Composable for this client |
useSubscription | useSubscription Composable for this client |
Property | Description |
data | (Ref) with the latest response value from the procedure |
error | (Ref) with the latest error value from the procedure |
execute | Function to run the procedure and update all reactive properties |
executing | (Ref) indicating whether this procedure is currently running |
pause | Function to pause reactivity tracking for this procedure |
unpause | Function to resume reactivity tracking for this procedure |
pause | (Ref) indicating if reactivity is paused |
abortController | (Ref) ref to the current executions abort controller |
immediatePromise | When composable is created with { immediate: true } this promise can be awaited for initial execution |
Property | Description |
data | (Ref) with the latest message for the topic |
error | (Ref) with the latest error for the topic |
subscribe | subscribe to the topic on the server |
unsubscribe | unsubscribe from topic on the server |
resubscribe | shortcut to unsubscribe and then subscribe to topic on the server |
subscribed | (Ref) Boolean indicating an active subscription to the topic |
state | (created, started, stopped, or completed) The current state of the subscription |
paused | (Ref) Indicates if reactivity is paused for arguments on this subscription |
pause | Pause reactivity tracking for arguments |
unpause | resume reactivity tracking for arguments |
This project is based on patterns from VueUse and of course relies on the amazing tRPC project