Apache MyFaces Tobago is a JSF component framework that pays special attention to security and is optimized for business applications.
Tobago supports custom themes based on the popular Bootstrap framework and frees the user from having to develop complex CSS and JavaScript components.
Compared to many other JSF frameworks, Tobago is still being actively developed and is used in many projects.
In the project directory you can use:
mvn clean install
to build the project with all submodules. This will put all necessary artifacts into your local repository.
If there are changes in the tobago-theme
module in TypeScript or other sources,
you need to build with frontend profile:
mvn clean install -Pfrontend
You can find a live demo of all components at https://tobago-vm.apache.org/.
See tobago-example
directory for some simple examples on how to use Tobago:
- tobago-example-blank a minimal hello world application,
- tobago-example-demo a demo and documentation application,
- tobago-example-spring-boot same demo using spring-boot.
mvn clean install
cd tobago-example/tobago-example-demo
Jetty, MyFaces and Weld
If you want to run the demo locally you need to run the following command:
mvn jetty:run -Pjetty -Pdev
Browse to the local URL http://localhost:8080/
You can also run the demo with different servers and JSF implementations:
Jetty, Mojarra and Weld
mvn jetty:run -Pjetty -Pdev -Djsf=mojarra-4.0
Browse to the local URL http://localhost:8080/
Tomcat, MyFaces and Weld
mvn cargo:run -Ptomcat
Browse to the local URL http://localhost:8080/tobago-example-demo/
mvn tomee:run -Ptomee
Browse to the local URL http://localhost:8080/
Open Liberty
mvn liberty:run -Pliberty
Browse to the local URL http://localhost:9080/
mvn clean install
cd tobago-example/tobago-example-quarkus
mvn clean package quarkus:dev
Browse to the local URL http://localhost:8080/
Tomcat in Docker
mvn clean package -Pdocker
docker run -p 8080:8080 myfaces/tobago-example-demo:latest
Browse to the local URL http://localhost:8080/
If you find any issues regarding MyFaces Tobago you can use the Apache Issue Tracker to report them.
Pull requests are welcome; see the contributor guidelines for details.
The terms for software licensing are detailed in the LICENSE.txt file.