This is a To-do List manager dynamic website developed using the MERN stack.
This is a website where you can list down and manage your daily routine.
- Add task
- Update task
- Delete Task
Note - USP of this To-Do list manager is that your task will not delete permanently.
- Login / Signin feature so that every one can use this for their own work station
- Have a calender view type interface so that any one can manage a task for a month(this helps companies for compliting projects)
- Have a workstation for every user
- Fork the repo and do not forget to give a start
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Change dir and install required node modules in both client and server directory
npm install
Note - Make sure you have active internet and already install node.js in your PC
- Change directory to client side and Start the server
cd client
npm start
npm run start
- Now go to the server side directory and run the server
cd server
nodemon index.js
Note - Make sure database and server running successfully by getting these msg in termianl.