I enjoy working on Javascript, Python and Go. In my free time, I also build stuff to increase my productivity. I love to write and share my thoughts on my blogs.
✨ I'm currently working on my side project. (More about them later)
😍 I'm currently learning more about Rust.
🎮 I enjoy playing COD on iPad and Crusader Kings III along with a few other games on Steam.
- Shape my ideas/thoughts and build great stuff 🎨
- Contribute to the open-source ecosystem 🎉
- Get my side project up and running 🏆
- Learn Swift and build iOS and MacOS apps ⚛
- Build great things in Rust 🎯
- Write consistently on my blogs 📝
- The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in battle (अभ्यास में जितना अधिक पसीना बहाओ, युद्ध में उतना ही कम खून बहाना पड़ेगा।)
- I am ambitious about what I want to achieve in my life, but for everything else, I am content. - Pankaj Sanam
- Your reaction to something shapes how others perceive your personality. - Pankaj Sanam
- We cannot survive without hope. We fight, struggle, and move forward, believing that one day things will get better. Without hope, we would give up and fade away. - Pankaj Sanam
❝During the production of Toy Story 2, Pixar accidentally deleted the entire movie from its servers. The movie was saved by an employee, a new mother, who worked from home and had the data saved on her personal computer.❞