WhaleThen combines scheduling, trip planning, and group coordination on a single page. Vote, comment, have a whale of a time. Sea you soon!
- Andy Nguyen
- Angie Huang
- Jackie Leung
- Jenn Shen
Starting Webpack Server:
npm run react-dev
Starting Development Server:
npm run server-dev
- route: '/timeline/:timelineName/:timelineId'
- Recommended to use Axios query string syntax or url template literals
- response data will be on
key of the JSON object.- contains an array of event objects
- route: '/search'
- Query string syntax (Axios query string syntax recommended)
- Required parameters include category and location
- response data will be on
key of the JSON object.- contains an array of event objects
- route: '/timeline'
- Data Object should contain keys
, andnumberOfDays
- status code 200 if successful
- status code 409 if failure
- route: '/entry'
- Data Object should contain keys
, andday
- Event should be in the form of an object
(String) should refer to timeline that event is to be addedday
(Number) should refer to the day of which the event should be added
- route: '/entry'
- route: '/entry/:entryId'
- axios: ^0.17.1,
- babel-core: ^6.26.0,
- bluebird: ^3.5.1,
- body-parser: ^1.18.2,
- cookie-parser: ^1.4.3,
- cors: ^2.8.4,
- dotenv: ^4.0.0,
- express: ^4.16.2,
- express-session: ^1.15.6,
- jquery: ^3.2.1,
- live-server: ^1.2.0,
- lodash: ^4.17.4,
- moment: ^2.19.2,
- mongodb: ^2.2.33,
- mongoose: ^4.13.2,
- nodejs: 0.0.0,
- nodemon: ^1.12.1,
- passport: ^0.4.0,
- path: ^0.12.7,
- prop-types: ^15.6.0,
- react: ^16.1.1,
- react-dom: ^16.1.1,
- request: ^2.83.0,
- request-promise: ^4.2.2,
- shortid: ^2.2.8
- babel-cli: ^6.7.5,
- babel-loader: ^7.1.2,
- babel-preset-es2015: ^6.24.1,
- babel-preset-react: ^6.24.1,
- babel-preset-stage-2: ^6.24.1,
- babel-register: ^6.7.2,
- eslint: ^4.11.0,
- eslint-config-airbnb: ^16.1.0,
- eslint-config-hackreactor: git://github.com/reactorcore/eslint-config-hackreactor,
- eslint-plugin-import: ^2.8.0,
- eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y: ^6.0.2,
- eslint-plugin-react: ^7.4.0,
- webpack: ^3.8.1,
- webpack-dev-server: ^2.9.4
From within the root directory:
Installing dependencies:
npm install
View the project roadmap here
See CONTRIBUTING.md for contribution guidelines.