This is a component for ESPHome that allows to receive data from an AMIS smart meter. This meter is used in Upper Austria and provided by Netz OÖ GmbH, it is actually a Siemens TD-3511, but uses AES encrypted M-Bus frames for communication.
The ESP communicates via Serial-over-Infrared with the AMIS meter. Therfore, an IR communication device is needed. The data exchange is entirely driven by the meter, it sends data in 1s intervals. The ESPHome integration parses the data and provides sensors for all currently supported values - see the example configuration file for details.
This requires at least ESPHome 1.18.0.
You need the AES Key from Netz OÖ GmbH. You can request the AES key online in the customer service area. The hex key needs to be copied to the configuration files as-is and the implementation takes care of the rest.
This implmentation was tested with the AMIS Reader by Gottfried Prandstetter, but an ESP32 instead of the ESP8266 was used. His implmenetation and the reader are available at
Parts of the parsing are based on the VZLogger implementation at