cmsrel CMSSW_10_2_11
cd CMSSW_10_2_11/src/
git clone DeepNTuples -b master
scram b -j8
# set up CRAB env; run it after cmsenv
source /cvmfs/
voms-proxy-init -rfc -voms cms --valid 168:00
# create the CRAB config files
cd DeepNTuples/NtupleAK8/run
./ -i [samples/ttbar.conf] -o [/eos/cms/store/user/$USER/DeepNtuples/output_dir] --site [T2_CH_CERN|T3_US_FNALLPC|...]
# submit jobs
To check all the options of the submission script, run
./ -h
You can set arguments to be passed to the cmsRun job in the beginning of the sample.conf file, e.g.,
fjKeepFlavors=2,3,4 # only keep fatjets whose labels match to the given number. 0:Light, 1:Top, 2:W, 3:Z, 4:Higgs
- Create file lists.
Appropriately modify
python Utilities/scripts/
python Utilities/scripts/
- Merge the samples (with random mixing) [events per output file] [output dir] [path to the filelist produced in step 1]
e.g., 200000 /eos/uscms/store/group/lpchbb/deepdoubleb/phi_all /eos/uscms/store/group/lpchbb/20170717_ak8/QCD_Pt/qcd_*.txt /eos/uscms/store/group/lpchbb/20170717_ak8/BulkGrav/hbb_*.txt /eos/uscms/store/group/lpchbb/20170717_ak8/Phi/scalarpseudo_*.txt