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LoFreq Version 3

LoFreq Version 3 is a reimplementation of LoFreq version 2 in Nim.

After almost 10 years the old code had acquired a lot of technical depth, which eventually limited its extensibility and also affected usage of the program. We furthermore wanted a modular design with complete separation of the pileup and the variant calling process.

We chose Nim for a reimplementation, because Nim has an intuitive and clean syntax. It looks similar to Python and compiles via C to small and fast binaries. And it's simply fun. Thanks to Brent Petersen the required htslib library for Nim exists. We hope that this reimplementation ensures that the LoFreq development continues.

This version is fully functional, however, the pileup process is currently much slower than in the old version and will be rewritten soon.


If you use LoFreq, please cite the original publication:

Wilm et al. LoFreq: A sequence-quality aware, ultra-sensitive variant caller for uncovering cell-population heterogeneity from high-throughput sequencing datasets. Nucleic Acids Res. 2012; 40(22):11189-201.

Table of contents

For the impatient

LoFreq is called through a single binary called lofreq. It's main purpose is to call variants from a preprocessed BAM file.

You will achieve best variant calling results by following the following preprocessing steps for your reads:

  1. Align your reads with a mapper that produces mapping qualities, e.g. BWA
  2. Recommended: Realign the reads with indels with the base quality aware lofreq viterbi
  3. Sort the BAM file with samtools sort (viterbi will change the alignment position of some reads)
  4. Required for indel calling: Add indel qualities (previously also done in GATK's BQSR step) lofreq indelqual
  5. Recommended: Add base- and indel alignment qualities (BAQ and a LoFreq equivalent for indels) with lofreq alnqual

As one step the above looks as follows:

bwa mem $reffa  $fq1 $fq2 | \
  samtools fixmate - - | \
  lofreq viterbi -f $reffa -b - | \
  samtools sort - | \
  lofreq indelqual -f $reffa -b - | \
  lofreq alnqual -f $reffa  -b - | \
  samtools view -b - -o $obam;

Then, use lofreq call to call variants in the processed BAM file. The following will call variants in BAM file aln.bam against reference ref.fa at chromosome chr between positions s to e:

lofreq call -b aln.bam -f ref.fa -r chr:s-e

Finally filter variants on base quality and for example strand-bias as needed with bcftools.

Use lofreq help or lofreq cmd --help to display usage information, parameters etc.

LoFreq in detail

The idea

LoFreq was originally developed as a quality-aware low-frequency variant caller. The main design goal was to find rare variants caused by haplotypes in viral or bacterial populations. Because it's quality aware, it is also largely parameter free and applicable to many sequencing technologies, assuming that the qualities are actually meaningful and translate into error probabilities and are calibrated. This assumption is not entirely true for example for mapping qualities (see Lee et al. 2014). Another simplifying assumption is that all qualities (base-qualities, indel-qualities, mapping-qualities and alignment qualities) are independent. LoFreq merges all these qualities into one error probability and predict variants based on a poission-binomial distribution. This allows us to assign meaningful qualities to variants, which actually translate into the probability that a variant was called by chance.

Preprocessing of your BAM file

Read mappers can make tiny mistakes on the base level, which can result in spurious variant calls. To avoid this lofreq viterbi for a base-quality aware realignment of reads with indels.

LoFreq makes heavy use of quality values and raw BAM files usually only contain raw base qualities and mapping qualities. We therefore recommend that you calibrate mapping qualities (e.g. GATK's BQSR, but be aware of assumption it makes) and add other qualities (indel qualities and alignment qualities) with lofreq indelqual and lofreq alnqual.

While the variant calling step itself is sequencing-technology agnostic, the three pre-processing steps above are optimized for Illumina reads and cannot be easily applied to e.g. Nanopore data.


The pileup step extracts all information relevant for the variant calling process from your BAM file. It basically creates an quality histogram per position in the genome. The command to create a pileup is lofreq call -p. Run it with --help to get usage information.

The pileup is a quality histogram per position in JSON format, which makes it directly usable by other programs. Please note that LoFreq applies quality merging (see below), so you will so only one quality per event.

All read-level filtering happens at this step. We advise against excessive filtering, because it can bias results. Keep in mind that LoFreq was designed to model and deal with sequencing (and mapping) errors!

The pileup also performs merging of qualities, e.g. mapping and base quality, an idea intrinsic to LoFreq version 2. The output file stores one quality per base. The idea for quality merging is as follows: all qualities stored in a BAM file are (or should in theory be) Phred scaled error probabilities. For example, a base quality of 20 means, there is a 1% chance that this is in fact another base. To combine mapping p_m, alignment p_a and base qualities p_bq you can do the following:

p_c = p_m + (1-p_m)*p_a + (1-p_m)*(1-p_a)*p_b

In other words: either this read (and therefore the base in question) is wrongly mapped (p_m) or if that's not the case (1-p_m) then the base/indel might be wrongly aligned (p_a) and if it's neither mismapped nor misaligned (1-p_m)*(1-p_a) then it might still be a wrongly read base/indel (p_b).

Notes on Illumina's Read Segment Quality Control Indicator

A base quality (BQ) of value 2 (ASCII: #) is used by Illumina as so called "Read Segment Quality Control Indicator". Here, the quality of 2 is in fact not a quality or error probability, but just means that the sequencing machine wasn't sure about an entire segment in the read. This affects LoFreq, which treats qualities as error probabilities, and thus bases with low quality as bases with high error probability.

To deal with this problem all bases with BQ=2 are marked by the pileup function with a quality of -1 (argument --minBQ). And matches/mismatches with quality <0 are ignored by the variant calling routine. This effectively filters bases with BQ2, but still keeps them visible in the pileup (with quality -1).

Variant calls at position with lots of bases with BQ2 are to be taken with a grain of salt. You can get very different results depending on whether you include them (SNV call less likely because of perceived high chances of error) or not (SNV call more likely).

We discourage users from changing the default of --minBQ 3. LoFreq is build to deal with errors and excessive filtering will bias results.

Variant Calling

This step calls variants and outputs a VCF file. It is implemented in the lofreq call command. Default variant quality filtering (--minVarQual) and allele frequency filters (--minAF) are applied. You can in addition filter bases below a minimum base quality (--minBQ) and variants within a coverage range (--minCov and --maxCov).

We do not recommend to change default filters, unless you know exactly what you are doing. Especially --minBQ is often misused. Remember that LoFreq builds error probabilities into its calling model and excessive filtering will create unwanted biases.

See lofreq call --help for all supported parameters and default values.

Strand bias (SB) is reported by not used for filtering by default. Note that strand bias doesn't mean that one strand has more bases then the other, but that the distribution of alt and ref bases between forward and reverse strand is skewed. This is tested with Fisher's Exact test as also done in samtools.

Unless your samples were highly PCR amplified, we suggest to filter on strand bias (with e.g. bcftools).

Postprocessing of variants

  • TODO: bcftools command
  • TODO: explain strand bias


Installing a binary release


Compilation from source

To compile from source, you will need to install Nim first.

Run nimble build to build the binary (see ./lofreq)

Run nimble test to run tests (some of which depend on the successful build).

More extensive and longer running tests can be found in the shell files in the ./tests/ directory.

To execute the compiled binary, you will need the htslib library installed and in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH as well.


Easiest way is to install htslib is to use bioconda:

conda install htslib

Installation of other dependencies is taking care of by Nimble.