Ruby gem to make requests to SeaRates REST API in a simple and easy way.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'searates'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install searates
Run the Generator:
$ rails g searates:install
Place your API Key as an environment variable at your server or replace the ENV value in the initializer initializers/searates.rb
Searates.configure do |config|
config.api_key = ENV['SEARATES_API_KEY']
#config.api_key = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'
To make requests, simple call the API you want and store the return in a variable. e.g.
response = Searates::API::LogisticsExplorer.get_fcl_rates(lat_from, lng_from, lat_to, lng_to)
you can also pass true after the lng_to value if you also want the route info.
- Weight of cargo in kg
- Volume of cargo in CBM
response = Searates::API::LogisticsExplorer.get_lcl_rates(lat_from, lng_from, lat_to, lng_to, volume, weight)
response = Searates::API::LogisticsExplorer.get_sea_route(lat_from, lng_from, lat_to, lng_to)
- Weight of cargo in tons
response = Searates::API::LogisticsExplorer.get_air_rates(lat_from, lng_from, lat_to, lng_to, weight)
response = Searates::API::LogisticsExplorer.get_rail_rates(lat_from, lng_from, lat_to, lng_to)
- Weight of cargo in kg
- Volume of cargo in CBM
- Type of shipment. The available values for this parameter are:
(optional) Default value: CONTAINER - Container type. The available values for this parameter are:
20st | 40st | 40hq | 20ref | 40ref
(optional) Default value: 20st
response = Searates::API::LogisticsExplorer.get_road_rates(lat_from, lng_from, lat_to, lng_to, volume, weight, type, container)
For more information, please visit the official API documentation
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.