This is a web App that uses Laravel 11, Tailwind CSS, Blade and Javascript. It allows basic authentication, user creation, update and deletion as well as recover their passwords. Only registered and authenticated users are able to manage their assets. App features CRUD functionality for managing CV's. Each user can create, update or delete CV's. Each user can access only their CV's data.
PHP > 8.2
Composer > v2.7.7
Node.js > v22.4.1
git clone
Clone the Repository- Set Up Environment File: update .env.example and store as .env | set postgresql for docker or sqlite for local development environment
composer install
Install PHP Dependenciesphp artisan key:generate
Generate Application Keyphp artisan migrate
Launch migration to create schemasnpm install
Install Frontend Dependenciesnpm run build
Build Frontend
./vendor/bin/sail up
Start up the container./vendor/bin/sail npm run dev
Start up Vite environment./vendor/bin/sail artisan migrate
Launch migration to create schemas- Open
in web browser.
./vendor/bin/sail artisan db:seed
Populate database with some example data
Automated testing is done by using Pest. Run all feature tests with command:
Email: [email protected]