Recent advances in machine learning have contributed to the emergence of powerful models for how humans and other animals reason and behave. In this course we will compare and contrast how such brain models as well as brains create intelligent behaviour.
Link to the Moodle page of the course:
Link to the EPFL's Noto homepage:
Noto is EPFL’s centralized JupyterLab platform that allows teachers and students to use Jupyter Notebooks online without having to install anything on their computer.
- Go to
- Log in with your Gaspar credentials
- Log into noto (How to?).
- Press the blue button in the top left corner to open the launcher.
- Open a terminal by selecting the appropriate icon. Navigagte to the folder where you want to download the repository NX-414.
- Type:
git clone
- Navigate to directory of the appropriate week and open the Jupter Notebook of your choice.
If you have already cloned the repository (How to?) and you want to update the content of the repository to the latest version, you have to:
- Log into noto (How to?)
- Press the blue button in the top left corner to open the launcher
- Open a terminal by selecting the appropriate icon in the launcher. Navigate to the root folder of the project "NX-414".
- Type
git pull
and execute the command