This is a fork from to include a command line utility and a straightforward set of build instructions for mac/unix.
Stasm is a C++ library for finding key facial features (BSD licensed).
OpenCV 2.X or 3.X is required.
Build scripts to compile the STASM library (version 4 and later):
- CMakeLists.txt: cmake build script to compile the STASM library and its examples
- template to generate a STASMConfig.cmake which could be useful to use STASM as a library from another project
- *.cpp.diff: patches to correct some compilation errors in unix.
- Download STASM source code from: (Tested on Version 4.1.0)
- Extract zip file to the folder
- Now run these steps in order:
$ cd stasm4.1.0
$ git clone
$ ./stasm_build/
If all the build steps went well, there will be an executable called stasm_util
in the build
To run:
$ ./stasm_util -f ../data ../data/testface.jpg
To show face points on image:
$ ./stasm_util -s -f ../data ../data/testface.jpg
$ git clone
$ docker build -t stasm . # build the image (takes a while)
$ docker run --name temp-stasm stasm # run a temp container
$ docker cp temp-stasm:/stasm4.1.0/build/stasm_util . # copy binary from container to current folder
$ docker rm temp-stasm # remove the temp container
# At the end of this, there should be a binary `stasm_util` in your current directory