#Discontinued I don't have Free anymore. Code needs a bit of refactoring but is usable as a basis.
#Freebox Revolution Server SDK - Documentation
This describes how to use this SDK.
I did not intend to do a SDK at first, just a REST API, hence some work still need to be done in order to make this SDK more usable.
git clone git://github.com/alram/freerev-server-sdk.git
Errors are formatted as follow:
error: {
header: {
httpCode: xxx
body: {
code: 'httpMessage',
message: 'Error description'
##Auth and Token
First step is to connect to the freebox. This will return a token.
.connect(object, cb);
Object: { login: 'freebox', passwd: 'freeboxpassword' }. Callback: error, cookie
###Status Generic informations about your internet connection.
.getStatus(token, cb);
cb: error, data.
###Ping Get remote ping status.
.remotePingStatus(token, cb);
cb: error, data { enabled: true/false }.
(De)Activate remote ping.
.changeRemotePing(params, cb);
params: { token:yyy, enabled: true/false } cb: error, {}
###Remote HTTP Access
Get remote access status
.remoteAccessStatus(token, cb);
cb: error, { enabled: true/false, http_port: XX }
Change remote access
.changeRemoteAccess(params, cb);
params: { token: yyy, enabled: true/false, http_port: XX} http_port is optional when deactivating remote access. cb: error, {}
###Wake On Lan
Get WakeOnLan status
.wakeOnLanStatus(token, cb);
cb: error, data
Change Wake On Lan
.changeWOL(params, cb);
params: { token: yyy, enabled: true/false } cb: error, {}
Get Logs
.getLogs(token, cb);
cb: error, data
Flush logs
.flushLogs(token, cb);
cb: error, {}
Get DDNS Configuration (NO-IP and DynDNS).
.getDDNS(token, cb);
cb: error, data
Change DDNS Configuration
.configureDDNS(params, cb);
params: { token; yyy, enabled: true/false, user: user, password: password, hostname: hostname, service: dyndns/noip } user, password, hostname, service are optional when deactivating DDNS.
var freeSDK = require('./freerev-server-sdk');
var auth = {
login: 'freebox',
passwd: 'password'
freeSDK.connect(auth, function (error, token) {
if (error) throw error;
freeSDK.getStatus(token, function (error, status) {
if (error) throw error;