This gem is an unofficial set of Ruby bindings for the Timestamp API.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem "timestamp_api"
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install timestamp_api
Configure your Timestamp API key by setting environment variable TIMESTAMP_API_KEY
Or set it in ruby:
TimestampAPI.api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"
List clients:
TimestampAPI::Client.all # => Returns all clients
Find a given client:
client = TimestampAPI::Client.find(123) # => "My beloved customer"
List projects:
TimestampAPI::Project.all # => Returns all projects
Find a given project:
project = TimestampAPI::Project.find(123) # => "My awesome project" # => "My beloved customer"
project.enter_time(123,, 60) # => Creates a 60 minutes time entry for today on task 123 and returns the created TimeEntry
List users:
TimestampAPI::User.all # => Returns all users
Find a given user:
user = TimestampAPI::User.find(123)
user.full_name # => "Great developer"
List tasks:
TimestampAPI::Task.all # => Returns all tasks
TimestampAPI::Task.for_project_id(123) # => Returns tasks for project 123
Find a given task:
task = TimestampAPI::Task.find(123) # => "My fantastic task" # => "My awesome project"
List time entries:
TimestampAPI::TimeEntry.all # => Returns all time entries
TimestampAPI::TimeEntry.for_task_id(123) # => Returns time entries for task 123
Find a given time entry:
time_entry = TimestampAPI::TimeEntry.find(123)
time_entry.comment # => "Stuff got done" # => "My beloved customer" # => "My awesome project" # => "My fantastic task"
time_entry.user.full_name # => "Great developer"
List events:
TimestampAPI::Event.all # => Returns all events
Find a given event:
event = TimestampAPI::Event.find(123)
event.object # => Returns the object on which event occured
The objects are represented by model classes (that inherits from TimestampAPI::Model
project = TimestampAPI::Project.find(123456)
project.class # => TimestampAPI::Project
project.is_a? TimestampAPI::Model # => true
Collections of objects are represented by TimestampAPI::Collection
that inherits from Array
(and implement the chainable .where(conditions)
filter method described above). It means any Array
method works on TimestampAPI::Collection
projects = TimestampAPI::Project.all
projects.class # => TimestampAPI::Collection # => ["A project", "Another project", "One more project"]
Models can can bound together and are accessible using a simple getter:
Exemple: find the client bound to a project:
project = TimestampAPI::Project.find(123) # => "My beloved customer"
ℹ️ First call to such a relation getter will trigger an API request and memoize the response for network optimization.
You can filter any object collection using the handy .where()
projects = TimestampAPI::Project.all
projects.where(is_public: true) # => returns all public projects
projects.where(is_public: true, is_billable: true) # => returns all projects that are both public and billable
projects.where(is_public: true).where(is_billable: true) # => same as above: `where` is chainable \o/
ℹ️ This does not filter objects before the network call (like ActiveRecord does), it's only a more elegant way of calling Array#select
on the Collection
The above methods are simple wrappers around the generic low-level-ish API request method TimestampAPI.request
that take a HTTP method
(verb) and a path
(to be appended to preconfigured API endpoint URL):
TimestampAPI.request(:get, "/projects") # Same as TimestampAPI::Project.all
TimestampAPI.request(:get, "/projects/123456") # Same as TimestampAPI::Project.find(123456)
To output all network requests done, you can set verbosity on:
TimestampAPI.verbose = true
As the API is not documented nor even officially supported by Timestamp, we're trying to reverse-engineer it.
It also means that if you're willing to hack into it with us, you're very welcome 👍
While logged in, the Timestamp API data can be explored from your favourite browser (with a JSON viewer addon, if needed) here:
There's also a bin/console
executable provided with this gem, if you want a REPL to hack around.
model -
model -
model -
model (theirroles
could be enhanced, though) -
model -
model -
- all other models 😱
- almost all write operations
relationships - document and integrate Inch-CI
- timers
Any help is lovely appreciated to complete the full feature set ❤️
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb
, and then run bundle exec rake release
to create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem
file to
- Fork it ( )
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request
This code is distributed by Alpine Lab under the terms of the MIT license.