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Aplos Framework Documentation

File-based Routing

This framework uses automatic routing based on the file structure in the src/pages directory.

Basic Structure

Files with extensions .tsx, .jsx, .ts, and .js in src/pages automatically define your application's routes.


npm install

Route Examples

Static Pages

  ├── index.tsx    -> /
  ├── about.jsx    -> /about
  ├── contact.js   -> /contact
  └── profile.ts   -> /profile

Dynamic Routes

Dynamic route segments are defined using brackets [param]:

  ├── blog/
  │   └── [slug].tsx   -> /blog/my-post
  └── articles/
      └── [id].tsx     -> /articles/123

Using Dynamic Parameters

// src/pages/blog/[slug].tsx
function BlogPost() {
  const { slug } = useParams();
  return <h1>Post: {slug}</h1>;

// src/pages/articles/[id].tsx
function Article() {
  const { id } = useParams();
  return <h1>Article #{id}</h1>;

Naming Conventions

  • Use lowercase filenames
  • For dynamic routes, use [paramName] syntax
  • Files starting with _ (underscore) are not routable and can be used for shared components or utilities
      ├── blog/
      │   ├── [slug].tsx         -> /blog/post-1
      │   └── _BlogLayout.tsx    -> Not routable
      └── _components/           -> Not routable directory
          └── Header.tsx

Configuration (aplos.config.js)

module.exports = {
    // React configuration
    reactStrictMode: true,
    // Server configuration
    server: {
        port: 3000,
    // Client-side runtime configuration
    publicRuntimeConfig: {
        api_base_url: process.env.API_BASE_URL,
    // Routes configuration
    routes: {
        '/custom': {
            path: '/custom',
            component: 'CustomPage',
            file: 'pages/custom-page'

Server Configuration

Development server port can be configured in order of priority:

  1. Environment variable: APLOS_SERVER_PORT=4000
  2. Configuration in aplos.config.js: server: { port: 4000 }
  3. Default value: 3000

Using Runtime Configuration

import getConfig from 'aplos/config';

function MyComponent() {
    const { api_base_url } = getConfig();
    return <div>API URL: {api_base_url}</div>;

Route Configuration with Requirements

Routes can be defined with parameter constraints using regular expressions:

routes: {
    '/blog/:id': {
        path: '/blog/:id',
        component: 'BlogPost',
        file: 'pages/blog/[id]',
        requirements: {
            id: '\\d+'  // Numbers only
    '/users/:username': {
        path: '/users/:username',
        component: 'UserProfile',
        file: 'pages/users/[username]',
        requirements: {
            username: '[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+'  // Alphanumeric with dashes and underscores

Common requirement patterns:

  • \\d+: Numbers only
  • [a-zA-Z]+: Letters only
  • [a-zA-Z0-9_-]+: Alphanumeric with dashes and underscores
  • .*: Any character (use with caution)

CLI Commands

# Start development server
npx aplos serve

# Build for production
npx aplos build

# Display all routes
npx aplos router:debug

serve Command

Launches development server on configured port (default: 3000)

  • Hot reloading enabled
  • Environment variables support
  • On-the-fly compilation

build Command

Generates optimized production build

  • Asset minification
  • Tree shaking
  • Static route generation

router:debug Command

Displays application routes table:

│ Component │ Scheme │ Host │ Path           │
│ B         │ Any    │ Any  │ /b             │
│ BlogEdit  │ Any    │ Any  │ /blog/:id/edit │
│ BlogShow  │ Any    │ Any  │ /blog/:id/show │
│ Index     │ Any    │ Any  │ /              │

router:match Command

Tests if a URL matches a route:

npx aplos router:match /article/123


| Property     | Value                            |
| Route Name   | ArticleShow                      |
| Path         | /article/:id                     |
| Path Regex   | {^/article/(?P<id>[^/]++)$}     |
| Host         | ANY                              |
| Scheme       | ANY                              |
| Requirements | NO CUSTOM                        |

The command helps debug routing by showing which route (if any) matches a given URL pattern.


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