This is my emacs editor configuration. It's very opinionated and set up for personal use.
I've tried to make the configuration as declarative as possible so that it's easy to install reliably.
I recently switched to GccEmacs, which compiles all Elisp to C ahead of time. There is an initial time required for compilation but I've noticed a performance improvement afterwards.
This is easy on MacOS thanks to the emacs-plus package:
brew tap d12frosted/emacs-plus
brew install emacs-plus@30 --with-native-comp --with-poll
git clone ~/.emacs.d
This keeps your .spacemacs file in version control.
ln ~/myemacs/spacemacs.el ~/.spacemacs
When possible, dependencies are packaged with package managers. To install these:
pip install -r requirements.txt
npm install -g package.json
brew install gopls
Set up github forge using these instructions
Install flycut using these instructions.
rustup component add rust-src
Install ripgrep for faster search:
brew install ripgrep
Run command in Spacemacs:
Install dependencies:
brew install cmake libtools
Build command (in Spacemacs):
If you would like to use GDB for debugging you will need to codesign it. This is because MacOS doesn't allow processes to access other processes for security reasons. Instructions are available here.