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Agnostic validators for python 3

Freely based on [WTF-Forms]( validators.


Be aware about incompatible changes on Version 0.6.0.


  • Python 3 package.
  • Easy to create a validator.
  • Chained validations.
  • Conditional validations.
  • Specific error control messages.
  • Dirty model integration (
  • No database dependent.
  • Asynchronous validators.
  • Stateless validators.
  • Deferred validators.


Version 0.6.0

The stateless refactor. Dirty validators now are full stateless. It means now there is no messages on validator instance. The is_valid method returns a validation context. It is evaluated as True if there were no errors and false otherwise. So, it is possible to still to use checks like if validator.is_valid(my_data): but we recomend to use the Walruf operator ( if result := validator.is_valid(my_data):. That is important because messages are stored on context.

# Python +3.8
if result := validator.is_valid(my_data):
    # some code


if not (result := validator.is_valid(my_data)):

On the other hand, validation error messages now are an object. It stores error code, error message template and context values. There is a helper function from_context_to_legacy_message in order to convert a context to legacy message format.

  • Stateless refactor
  • New Context class stores state of validation process.
  • New ValidationErrorMessage class to store validation error messages.
  • New Deferred validator in order to build validator on runtime depending on context.
  • New from_context_to_legacy_message helper.

Version 0.5.4

  • Allow model validator inheritance.

Version 0.5.2

  • Remove hard dependency from Dirty Models.
  • Fix bug iterating ListModels.

Version 0.5.1

  • Added value validators for mappings.

Version 0.5.0

  • Added asynchronous validators.

Version 0.4.0

  • Added <root> keyword in order to look up a field from root model of context.
  • Added key_validator argument for spec validators in order to validate keys on hashmaps.


$ pip install dirty-validators

Basic usage

from dirty_validators.basic import EqualTo, Length, Regexp, Email
from dirty_validators.complex import Optional, ModelValidate

validator = Optional(validators=[EqualTo(comp_value="test")])

assert validator.is_valid("test") is True

# Chained validation
validator_chain = Chain(validators=[Length(min=14, max=16), Regexp(regex='^abc'), Email()])

assert validator_chain.is_valid('[email protected]')

# Model validation

class MyModelValidator(ModelValidate):
    fieldName1 = Optional(validators=[Length(min=4, max=6)])
    fieldName2 = Optional(validators=[Length(min=1, max=2)])
    fieldName3 = Required(validators=[Length(min=7, max=8)])

validator_model = MyModelValidator()

data = {
    "fieldName1": "1234",
    "fieldName1": "12",
    "fieldName3": "123456qw"

assert validator_model.is_valid(FakeModel(data)) is True


Look at tests for more examples