This repository contains a set of examples to be used with Red Hat AMQ messaging suite components.
- AMQP HTML Websockets Demo: Stock Quote application showcasing
javascript client, websockets and TLS connections from the browser - Javascript Client: Simple
Hello World
nodejs application featuringrhea
javascript client - AMQ Online Apache Camel ActiveMQ Client: Apache Camel route using ActiveMQ component and
for AMQ Online TLS connection - Spring SSL AMQP JMS Pool: Spring application showing the AMQ JMS Pool Library with TLS connection
- Apache Camel SSL AMQP JMS Pool: Apache Camel producer and consumer routes using AMQ JMS Pool and TLS connection
- Apache Camel AMQP to Kafka Bridge: Apache Camel implementation of an AMQP to Kafka Bridge
- Apache Camel AMQP TLS Consumer: Apache Camel AMQP component consumer using TLS connection
- Apache Camel AMQP TLS Producer: Apache Camel AMQP component producer using TLS connection
- Apache Camel Kafka Component: Apache Camel Kafka component using TLS connection
- Spring for Apache Kafka: Spring application using the Spring for Apache Kafka project
- Quarkus Apache Kafka Extension: Quarkus application using the Kafka extension and MicroProfile messaging
- Quarkus Apache Kafka Streams Extension: Quarkus application using the Kafka Streams extension and, Kogito for event processing
- Apicurio service registry - Avro: Quarkus application using Apache Kafka with MicroProfile Reactive Messaging with the Apicuro service registry
- Apicurio service registry - JSON Schema: Quarkus application using Apache Kafka with MicroProfile Reactive Messaging with the Apicuro service registry to validate JSON payloads.
These applications are designed to be run with Red Hat AMQ 7 components. To compile and run these projects you will need:
- JDK 8 or 11+
- Maven 3
- GraalVM Community