**This code has been incorporated into the aiofiles depedency and will no longer be maintained here. Please see github.com/Tinche/aiofiles
Async interface for the standard tempfile module. Implements the following 4 interfaces:
- TemporaryFile
- NamedTemporaryFile
- SpooledTemporaryFile
- TemporaryDirectory
Blocking methods are delegated to threadpools using loop.run_in_executor(). Non-blocking methods and properties retain a sync interface. SpooledTemporaryFile only delegates if the in-memory stream is rolled to disk. New instances of the above classes return wrapped with a context manager allowing use with async with and async for.
pip install asynctempfile
import asynctempfile
async with asynctempfile.TemporaryFile('wb+') as f:
await f.write(b'Hello, World!')
import asynctempfile
async with asynctempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wb+') as f:
await f.write(b'Line1\n Line2')
await f.seek(0)
async for line in f:
- Adjusted TemporaryDirectory to return its path as opposed to the object when used with a context manager, aligning behaviour with the sync library (thank you to hellocoldworld).
- Fixed name attribute for TemporaryFile as this property is now included in the aiofiles wrapper.