Amanuensis is a changelog generator which integrate with all the major code managers and trackers
Your changelog will contains closed issues and pull requests based on the tracker you are using.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'amanuensis'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install amanuensis
Type amanuensis help generate
for detailed usage.
amanuensis generate
p, [--push=one two three]
# Default: [:file]
t, [--tracker=TRACKER]
# Default: github
c, [--code-manager=CODE_MANAGER]
# Default: github
u, [--version=VERSION]
# Default: patch
r, [--release], [--no-release]
# Default: true
v, [--verbose], [--no-verbose]
g, [--github=key:value]
c, [--trello=key:value]
i, [--pivotal=key:value]
m, [--mail=key:value]
f, [--file=key:value]
Generate a changelog
Type amanuensis generate [options]
to generate the changelog
Just call the method #generate
Before calling the generator you need to configure it:
Amanuensis.push = [:github]
Amanuensis::Github.oauth_token = ENV.fetch('GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN')
Amanuensis::Github.repo = ENV.fetch('GITHUB_REPO')
Each integrations are configurable, just like Amanuensis
For Amanuensis
, it is possible to set:
- push
- code_manager
- tracker
- version
- verbose
- relase
Amanuensis.push = [:github, :file, :mail]
Amanuensis.tracker = :github
Amanuensis.code_manager = :github
Amanuensis.version = :major
Amanuensis.verbose = true
Amanuensis.release = false
See below for all integrations available and their respective configuration
The allowed values for version are:
- major
- minor
- patch
And it works like that:
If there is not release the first version will be:
If you don't specify any code managers, github
will be used by default
If you use github as a code manager, a github release will be created at the end of the process The changelog will also contains all pull requests closed since the latest release
Via command line:
amanuensis generate --github=oauth_token:my_token repo:alaibe/amanuensis
Via Ruby:
Amanuensis::Github.oauth_token = ENV.fetch('GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN')
Amanuensis::Github.repo = ENV.fetch('GITHUB_REPO')
If you don't specify any traker, github
will be used by default
If github is used, the changelog will contains the closed issues since the last release
Via command line:
amanuensis generate --github=oauth_token:my_token repo:alaibe/amanuensis
Via Ruby:
Amanuensis::Github.oauth_token = ENV.fetch('GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN')
Amanuensis::Github.repo = ENV.fetch('GITHUB_REPO')
If trello is used, the changelog will contains the closed cards since the last release
Via command line:
amanuensis generate --trello=key:my_key token:my_token board:amanuensis list:done
Via Ruby:
Amanuensis::Trello.key = ENV.fetch('TRELLO_KEY')
Amanuensis::Trello.token = ENV.fetch('TRELLO_TOKEN')
Amanuensis::Trello.board = ENV.fetch('TRELLO_BOARD')
Amanuensis::Trello.list = ENV.fetch('TRELLO_LIST')
If pivotal is used, the changelog will contains the accepted cards since the last release
Via command line:
amanuensis generate --pivotal=token:my_token project:amanuensis
Via Ruby:
Amanuensis::Pivotal.token = ENV.fetch('PIVOTAL_TOKEN')
Amanuensis::Pivotal.project = ENV.fetch('PIVOTAL_PROJECT')
If you don't specify any push, file
will be used by default
Push is different from others integrations as you can chain them:
Amanuensis.push = [:github, :mail, :file]
This configuration will publish the changelog to your github repository, send an e-mail with the changelog as a body and finaly produce a changelog file
If you use github to push your changelog, it will be append to the file named by default
Via command line:
amanuensis generate --github=oauth_token:my_token repo:alaibe/amanuensis
Via Ruby:
Amanuensis::Github.oauth_token = ENV.fetch('GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN')
Amanuensis::Github.repo = ENV.fetch('GITHUB_REPO')
Amanuensis::Github.file_name = ENV.fetch('GITHUB_FILE_NAME')
The option file_name
is not required and is set to
by default
We use the gem pony in order to send mail See the gem readme for all the options available:
All nested hash params are flatten for the command line
Via command line:
amanuensis generate --mail=to:[email protected] via_options_port:25
Via Ruby:
Amanuensis::Mail.pony = { to: '[email protected]', via_options: { port: 25 }}
If you export push your changelog with the file option, it will create a file named
by default
amanuensis generate
Via Ruby:
Amanuensis::File.file_name = ''
The option file_name
is not required and is set to
by default
If you want new integration you can create an issue via github and add the label integration on it.
- Fork it ( )
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request