Download python. During setup, make sure you added it to %PATH% (the second option).
Download this repository by clicking the green button in the top right, then "Download ZIP".
Unzip the file.
Download python, whether you want to use yum, or apt-get, or whatever your favorite package manager is. You can find the info through google, and since each version of Linux is slightly different, I'm not going to go into detail.
Download git. Again, use whatever package manager you want.
Clone the repository:
git clone
This repository is for development only, I would rather you invite the official bot to your server than run your own instance.
You need to install the following with pip install to run the bot:
Open a terminal in the directory of the bots location and type
$ python3
On first start the launcher will run and you will need to input data. After that the bot will launch without setup neccessary, there is an optional reset configuration option on launch.
The default set of modules includes:
- Moderation commands
- Fun/Misc commands
- Utility commands
- Tagging of text
- Tournament submission system
- Clash Royale Stats commands
- Brawl Stars Stats commands
It would be greatly appreciated if you can support me by joining my discord server and socialising with me! Join it to stay up to date on updates and announcements. Stay for a good time! Join here: