A gem that adds slim-lang support to Jekyll. Works for for pages, includes and layouts.
Add this line to your Gemfile in the group "jekyll-plugins":
gem 'jekyll-slim', git: 'https://github.com/aiomaster/jekyll-slim'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install jekyll-slim
In your Jekyll project's _config.yml
# _config.yml
- jekyll-slim
The gem will convert all the .slim
files in your project's directory into HTML. That includes files in sub-directories, includes and layouts. Example:
# _layouts/default.slim
.content-wrapper {{ content }}
To include a partial, use include_template
and set the local variables you like:
# index.slim
layout: default
section.content Content goes here.
== include_template 'footer.slim', foo: 'cool shit', bar: 'another cool shit'
You can access these local variables with the include key.
# footer.slim
h1 = include.foo
p = include.bar
That way your footer.slim can also be included from any other template via liquid:
<div class="footer">
{%- include footer.slim foo="yeah" bar="cool" -%}
You can access your site data like you would do in liquid: For example if you have
# _data/topics.yml
- title: Cool slim
description: slim is fantastic
- title: Fancy slim
description: I like slim
and in your template
- site.data.topics.each do |topic|
h2 = topic.title
p = topic.description
How cool is that? Can you feel the power of slim and ruby? But what about all these fancy liquid filters we need sometimes? No problem:
p id="#{render_liquid('tittle | slugify', title: 'slug i fy me')}"
Just give the liquid expression as a string and every variable you would like to access in a hash.
Is possible to set options available for Slim engine through the slim
key in _config.yml
. Example:
# _config.yml
pretty: true
format: html5
Jekyll-slim was heavily inspired by jekyll-haml. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.
I found this gem jekyll-slim, but it is archived, so I made my own fork from someone who removed the sliq experiments from it.
I added the data_provider.rb
to have easy liquid like access to the data of my site.
Now I have some fun with slim, jekyll and liquid.
Maybe it is helpfull to someone.