Script to genotype single stranded libraries based on forward and reverse read mapping
Rscript genoSL.R [--] [--help] [--opts OPTS] [--output OUTPUT] [--fasta
FASTA] input table
Aida Andrades Valtueña (aida.andrades[at]
Genotypes single stranded libraries based on forward and reverse
mapping reads to account for potential damage
positional arguments:
input Path to the snpTable.tsv produced by MultiVCFAnalyzer
table Path to table.tsv containing genomes to Genotype. See for specific formating
-h, --help show this help message and exit
optional arguments:
-x, --opts RDS file containing argument values
-o, --output Specify root of output name, default is snpTable
[default: snpTable]
Table: table.tsv containing genomes to Genotype. The table should be formated as:
sampleName | All | Reverse | Forward |
Sample1 | Sample1AllReadsVCF | Sample1ReverseReads | Sample1ForwardReads |
Sample2 | Sample2AllReadsVCF | Sample2ReverseReads | Sample2ForwardReads |
Sample3 | Sample3AllReadsVCF | Sample3ReverseReads | Sample3ForwardReads |
Note: The names specified for each samples must correspond to the column name in the snpTable.tsv produced by MultiVCFAnalyzer