Morning session
- Introduction
- Python Environment Set-up
- Windows and Mac
- Jupyter Notebook Overview
- Google Colaboratory (Colab)
- Break
- Python Basics (Part 1)
- Interactive Interpreter and Comments
- Variable and Types, Number and Boolean
- Python Basics (Part 2)
- Strings, Control I/O, and Functions
- Tutorial 1: Python Basics Part 1 (T1 - Google Colab)
- Exercise 1: Python Basics Part 1(E1 - Google Colab)
- Lunch
Afternoon session
- Python Basics (Part 3)
- Control Flow (Condition) and Loops
- List and Dictionary
- Tutorial 2: Python Basics Part 2 (T2 - Google Colab)
- Exercise 2: Python Basics Part 2 (E2 - Google Colab)
- Break
- Python for Data Analysis
- NumPy
- Tutorial 3: NumPy
- Tutorial 3.1: NumPy Arrays (T3_1 - Google Colab)
- Tutorial 3.2: NumPy Indexings (T3_2 - Google Colab)
- Tutorial 3.3: NumPy Operations
- Pandas
- Tutorial 4: Pandas (T4 - Google Colab)
- Exercise 3: NumPy Exercises (E3 - Google Colab)
- Exercise 4: Pandas Exercises (E4 - Google Colab)
Morning session
- Python for Data Visualization
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn
- Tutorial 5: Python for Data Visualisation (T5 - Google Colab)
- Exercise 5: Data Visualization Exercise (E5 - Google Colab)
- Break
- Introduction to Machine Learning
- Machine Learning Basics with Python (Part 1)
- Linear Regression
- Tutorial 6.1.1: Linear Regression (T6_1_1 - Google Colab)
- Logistic Regression
- Tutorial 6.1.2: Logistic Regression (T6_1_2 - Google Colab)
- Exercise 6.1.1: Machine Learning Exercise 1.1 - Linear Regression (E6_1_1 - Google Colab)
- Exercise 6.1.2: Machine Learning Exercise 1.2 - Logistic Regression (E6_1_2 - Google Colab)
- Lunch
Afternoon session
- Machine Learning Basics with Python (Part 2)
- Support Vector Machine
- Tutorial 6.2.1: Support Vector Machine (T6_2_1 - Google Colab)
- K means Clustering
- Tutorial 6.2.2: K means Clustering (T6_2_2 - Google Colab)
- Exercise 6.2.1: Machine Learning Exercise 2.1 - Support Vector Machine (E6_2_1 - Google Colab)
- Exercise 6.2.2: Machine Learning Exercise 2.2 - K means Clustering (E6_2_2 - Google Colab)
- Break
- Machine Learning Basics with Python (Part 3)
- Natural Language Processing
- Tutorial 6.3.1: Natural Language Processing (T6_3_1 - Google Colab)
- Neural Nets and Deep Learning
- Tutorial 6.3.2(a, b, c): Neural Nets and Deep Learning (T6_3_2(a,b, c) - Google Colab)
- Exercise 6.3.1: Machine Learning Exercise 3.1 - Natural Language Processingß (E6_3_1 - Google Colab)
- Exercise 6.3.2: Machine Learning Exercise 3.2 - Neural Nets and Deep Learning (E6_3_2 - Google Colab)
Closing session