Morse is the morphological analysis model described in:
Akyürek, Ekin, Erenay Dayanık, and Deniz Yuret. "Morphological Analysis Using a Sequence Decoder." Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics 7 (2019): 567-579. (TACL, arXiv).
- Julia 1.x
- Network connection
git clone
cd Morse.jl
Note: Setup and Data is optional because running an experiment from the scripts directory automatically sets up the environment and installs required data when needed. However, if you're working in a cluster node that has no internet connection, you may need to perform these steps manually. To get the pkg>
prompt in Julia for package commands please use the ']' key. Backspace gets back to the original julia>
julia> # Press the `]` key to get the `pkg>` prompt
(v1.1) pkg> activate .
(v1.1) Morse> instantiate # only in the first time
julia> using Morse
julia> download(TRDataSet)
julia> download(UDDataSet)
To verify the results presented in the paper, you may run the scripts to train models and ablations. During training logs will be created at logs/ folder.
Detailed information about experiments can be found in scripts/
Note: An Nvidia GPU is required to train the models in a reasonable amount of time.
Available Pre-Trained Models
trained(MorseModel, TRDataSet);
trained(MorseModel, UDDataSet, lang="ru"); # Russian
trained(MorseModel, UDDataSet, lang="da"); # Danish
trained(MorseModel, UDDataSet, lang="fi"); # Finnish
trained(MorseModel, UDDataSet, lang="pt"); # Portuguese
trained(MorseModel, UDDataSet, lang="es"); # Español
trained(MorseModel, UDDataSet, lang="hu"); # Hungarian
trained(MorseModel, UDDataSet, lang="bg"); # Bulgarian
trained(MorseModel, UDDataSet, lang="sv"); # Swedish
Note: Please use lowercased and tokenized inputs.
julia> using Knet, KnetLayers, Morse
julia> model, vocabulary, parser = trained(MorseModel, TRDataSet);
julia> predictions = model("annem sana yardım edemez .", v=vocabulary, p=parser)
annem anne+Noun+A3sg+P1sg+Nom
sana sen+Pron+Pers+A2sg+Pnon+Dat
yardım yardım+Noun+A3sg+Pnon+Nom
edemez et+Verb^DB+Verb+Able+Neg+Aor+A3sg
. .+Punct
Note: Nvidia GPU is required to train on a reasonable time.
julia> using Knet, KnetLayers, Morse
julia> config = Morse.intro(split("--logFile nothing --lemma --dataSet TRDataSet")) # you can modify the program arguments
julia> dataFiles = ["train.txt", "test.txt"] # make sure you have theese files exists in the given path
julia> data, vocab, parser = prepareData(dataFiles,TRDataSet) # or UDDataSet
julia> data = miniBatch(data,vocab) # sentence minibatching is required for processing a sentence correctly
julia> model = MorseModel(config,vocab)
julia> setoptim!(model, SGD(;lr=1.6,gclip=60.0))
julia> trainmodel!(model,data,config,vocab,parser) # can take hours or more depends to your data
julia> predictions = model("Annem sana yardım edemez .", v=vocab, p=parser)