Potoos is a lightweight Python library for time series anomaly detection using Redis Time Series and Luminol. Monitor your time series data for anomalies with minimal configuration.
Potoos combines the power of:
- Redis Time Series for efficient time series data storage and retrieval
- Luminol for robust anomaly detection algorithms
This makes it ideal for monitoring metrics, detecting unusual patterns, and identifying outliers in your time series data.
- 🔄 Seamless Redis TimeSeries Integration: Automatically verifies Redis module availability
- 🔍 Configurable Time Series Retrieval: Forward or reverse order, with flexible query options
- 🚨 Anomaly Detection: Uses Luminol's advanced algorithms to identify anomalies
- 🛠️ Highly Configurable: Customize both time series retrieval and anomaly detection parameters
- Python 3.10+
- Redis server with the RedisTimeSeries module installed
- Dependencies:
- redis-py
- luminol
pip install potoos
Ensure your Redis server has the TimeSeries module installed:
# Check if module is installed
redis-cli MODULE LIST | grep timeseries
# If not found, install using Redis Stack or Redis modules
Here's a simple example of how to use Potoos:
from redis import Redis
from potoos.client import PotoosClient
from potoos.models.config import TimeSeriesConfig, AnomalyDetectionConfig
# Connect to Redis
redis_client = Redis(host='localhost', port=6379)
# Initialize Potoos client with default configurations
client = PotoosClient(redis_client)
# Or with custom configurations
client = PotoosClient(
time_series_config=TimeSeriesConfig(reversed=False, count=1000),
# Monitor a time series key for anomalies
results = client.monitor('metrics:cpu:usage')
# Process the results
if results:
print(f"Analysis complete. Found {results.meta_data.anomalies_found} anomalies")
print(f"Analyzed {results.meta_data.data_points_analyzed} data points")
# Print information about each anomaly
for anomaly in results.anomalies:
print(f"Anomaly at {anomaly.exact_timestamp}")
print(f"Anomaly score: {anomaly.anomaly_score}")
# Or access anomaly score in TimeSeries object
print(f"Anomaly scores: {results.scores}")
# Access time range analyzed
time_range = results.meta_data.time_range_analyzed
print(f"Time range analyzed: {time_range.start} to {time_range.end}")
from potoos.models.config import TimeSeriesConfig
# Default values shown
config = TimeSeriesConfig(
count=None, # Maximum number of samples to return
aggregation=None, # Aggregation type (e.g., 'avg', 'sum', 'min', 'max')
bucket_size=None, # Time bucket for aggregation in milliseconds
filter_by=None, # Filtering options for labels
align=None, # Timestamp alignment control
start=None, # Start timestamp
end=None, # End timestamp
reversed=False # Return results in reverse order when True
from potoos.models.config import AnomalyDetectionConfig
# Default values shown
config = AnomalyDetectionConfig(
algorithm_name='bitmap_detector', # Algorithm to use
score_threshold=None, # Threshold for anomaly detection
score_percentile_threshold=None, # Percentile threshold
algorithm_params={} # Additional algorithm parameters
- Initialization: PotoosClient connects to your Redis instance and verifies the TimeSeries module is available
- Data Retrieval: When monitoring, it fetches time series data according to your configuration
- Anomaly Detection: The retrieved data is analyzed using Luminol's algorithms
- Results: You receive detailed information about detected anomalies and analysis metadata
Potoos requires NumPy 1.22.4 or earlier due to Luminol's dependency on the numpy.asscalar()
function, which was removed in later versions of NumPy.