docker-chouette is a pre-installed docker container of Chouette2, an open source web project in Ruby/Rails for editing and viewing Public Transport data For more information see and For any question please use the User Forum or Contact us !
If you already have docker on your machine, you'll just have to download and unzip (which contains the instructions for composing the 3 images located at and then launch the application with:
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
- docker-compose v1.7.1
- docker version 1.10 (or newer) Only Centos 7 has been tested, but it should work on any Linux distribution For Windows and MacOS, see the last section of this readme
Add yum docker.repo :
sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/docker.repo <<-'EOF'
name=Docker Repository
sudo yum install -y docker-engine git
curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
If you are new to docker : so as to avoid lauching docker with sudo, docker, you'll need to add your user to the docker group (if it doesn't exist : sudo groupadd docker
) ;
for Ubuntu the command will be
sudo adduser nom_utilisateur docker
sudo usermod -a -G docker nom_utilisateur
Then, restart docker
mkdir -p /opt/chouette && git clone /opt/chouette
or if you don't have git, download the archive: and unzip archive into /opt/chouette
cd /opt/chouette
docker-compose pull
cd /opt/chouette
docker-compose up
wait until containers start...
then go to http://localhost:3000 also open Mailcatcher http://localhost:1080 to catch e-mails
For docker-toolbox on Mac or Windows: you must change every localhost with the ip address given by docker on startup (see below)
From the Docker QuickStart Terminal, docker-machine ip
will give your ip address.
You need to create chouette.service in /usr/lib/systemd/system/
sudo tee /usr/lib/systemd/system/chouette.service <<-'EOF'
Description=Infra Serv
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up
ExecStop=/usr/local/bin/docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml stop
Check that everything works (chouette must be installed first):
sudo systemctl start chouette.service
Enable service at boot:
sudo systemctl enable chouette.service
and then start the containers with:
docker-compose up
If you don't want to use MailCatcher, you can use an external SMTP. Stop all the containers first and then fill all the lines in the file docker-compose.yml with the information from your provider:
- smtp_host=smtp
- smtp_port=25
- smtp_domain=
- smtp_user_name=
- smtp_password=
- smtp_authentication=
If you want to use Google API services, you must specify a key Fill the field with your key:
- google_api_key=
- if you want to understand docker, read this
- until Docker for Windows/Mac is released (in beta now, and only for Windows 10 and above), you'll have to install the docker toolbox, which includes docker-compose ;
- download and unzip in a local directory (ex. D:/docker-chouette)
- launch the Docker QuickStart Terminal (it is also possible to launch docker from a DOS terminal windows if you have already created a docker-machine, for more advanced users : see
- if you are behind a proxy, followed the instructions of… (from "docker-machine ssh default" to "docker-machine restart default")
- the next steps are the same in any OS (except that on linux you can use the localhost URL because docker runs natively on your OS without the need for a VM host)
- go in the directory where you have downloaded docker-chouette (i.e. where the docker-compose.yml file is), and
docker-compose pull
thendocker-compose up -d
(this will start the application in the background, you can check if processes are started withdocker ps
) - wait until all files are downloaded and the chouette2 is started (it may take several minutes)
- find the IP adress of your docker machine with
docker ip
- to access to the Chouette application, go in your browser to
- when you first sign up (create an organisation and user), you'll have to validate your account by going to mailCatcher (your_docker-machine_ip_address:1080) and click in the e-mail you'll just received (change the localhost address into your_docker-machine_ip_address)
- sign in with your Chouette user name and you can use the application
- if needed you can connect the Chouette PostgreSQL database from PGADMIN (create a server with host: your_docker-machine_ip_address, port: 5433, user: chouette, password: chouette)
If you have any trouble with shared folders you can have a look at the code below.
$env:Path += "C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox"
VBoxManage sharedfolder add default --name "chouette-iev" --hostpath "C:\PATH\TO\YOUR\docker-chouette-develop" --transient
docker-machine ssh default sudo mkdir -p /c/PATH/TO/YOUR/docker-chouette-develop
docker-machine ssh default
sudo mount -t vboxsf -o defaults,uid=`id -u docker`,gid=`id -g docker` "chouette-iev" /c/PATH/TO/YOUR/docker-chouette-develop