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lists code scanning SARIF reports for a given GitHub hosted repository and allows the user to identify and download these reports.


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GitHub Code Scanning Report Downloader

ghasrd.rb lists code scanning SARIF reports for a given GitHub hosted repository and allows the user to identify and download these reports.

Reports will be downloaded in a standard .sarif format and can be viewed in a IDE's SARIF viewer plugin. / GitHub Enterprise Cloud support only at this point in time.

Code scanning is available for all public repositories and for private repositories owned by organizations where GitHub Advanced Security is enabled. For more information, see "About GitHub Advanced Security."


To run this script, please set the following environment variables:

  • GITHUB_PAT: A Personal Access Token (PAT) for your account (eg export GITHUB_PAT=ghp_abc123)

To run

  • Download and unpack the latest version from the releases page.
  • Hop into the unpacked directory and issue the following:
bundle install
  • Place the ghasrd.rb script in your $PATH, make sure it is executable.
  • Hop into the root directory of your repository and issue the ghasrd.rb command with appropriate options (detailed below).

Filenames and .gitignore

The downloaded files are of the filename formats:

  • analysis_[ID].sarif
  • pr_[PR#]_analysis_[ID].sarif
  • sha_[SHA]_analysis_[ID].sarif

You can add an appropriate pattern to your .gitignore file to stop them being pushed to the GitHub repository.

General help

➜  ghas-report-downloader git:(main) ghasrd.rb --help
Usage: ghasrd.rb [options]

Owner and repo:
    -o, --owner OWNER                The owner of the repository
    -r, --repo REPO                  The repository to query

    -l, --list                       List available reports
    -p, --pr x,y,z                   Get reports for the most recent commit on the source branch
                                     for each of the listed Pull Request numbers
    -g, --get, --grab x,y,z          Get one or more reports by the Analysis Report ID.
    -s, --sha x,y,z                  Get reports for each of the listed Commit SHAs
                                     We can figure out what commit you’re referring to
                                     if you provide the first few characters of the SHA-1 hash,
                                     as long as that partial hash is at least four characters long and
                                     no other commit can have a hash that begins with the same prefix.

Other options:
    -d, --dir DIRECTORY              The directory to write the reports to
    -v                               Run verbosely
    -V                               Run extra verbosely
    -h, --help                       Show this message  

Listing available reports

ghasrd.rb -o [OWNER] -r [REPO] -l

Sample output

➜  ghas-report-downloader git:(main) ghasrd.rb -o affrae -r quickjavahelloworldmultimodule -l        
Getting a list of available reports for
| ID      | Tool   | Commit SHA(7) | Commit date             | Commit author   | Commit message                          |
| 6568185 | CodeQL | 1161a60       | 2021-04-22 06:53:26 UTC | Daniel Figucio  | Update                        |
| 6516422 | CodeQL | 1161a60       | 2021-04-20 23:30:07 UTC | Daniel Figucio  | Update                        |
| 6516391 | CodeQL | 7e79a09       | 2021-04-20 23:29:00 UTC | dependabot[bot] | Bump junit from 4.11 to 4.13.1 in /w... |
| 6516390 | CodeQL | 4cf7679       | 2021-04-20 23:28:58 UTC | Daniel Figucio  | Merge pull request #1 from affrae/de... |
| 6516388 | CodeQL | c920fc2       | 2021-04-20 23:28:54 UTC | dependabot[bot] | Bump junit from 4.11 to 4.13.1 in /w... |
| 6516361 | CodeQL | 6b178dd       | 2021-04-20 23:27:52 UTC | Daniel Figucio  | Merge pull request #4 from affrae/de... |
| 6326184 | CodeQL | 7b1eccd       | 2021-04-15 06:53:06 UTC | Daniel Figucio  | Update                         |
| 6089337 | CodeQL | 7b1eccd       | 2021-04-08 06:53:45 UTC | Daniel Figucio  | Update                         |
| 5881321 | CodeQL | 18af178       | 2021-04-01 08:21:19 UTC | dependabot[bot] | Merge eaf1ca73915a559e783378d39eecc5... |
| 5881308 | CodeQL | fb104c5       | 2021-04-01 08:21:04 UTC | dependabot[bot] | Merge ac1fac1fcb823b254cd51b36821379... |
| 5881292 | CodeQL | 0cebba7       | 2021-04-01 08:20:46 UTC | dependabot[bot] | Merge 1479c0dee564a5ec9dbc8d82b225da... |
| 5881218 | CodeQL | ebca64e       | 2021-04-01 08:18:32 UTC | dependabot[bot] | Merge fb39ac581dfefccd29e9233316b925... |
| 5879878 | CodeQL | 7b1eccd       | 2021-04-01 07:37:14 UTC | Daniel Figucio  | Update                         |
| 5877531 | CodeQL | 7b1eccd       | 2021-04-01 06:07:20 UTC | Daniel Figucio  | Update                         |
| 5877245 | CodeQL | 641ee8e       | 2021-04-01 05:56:05 UTC | Daniel Figucio  | Update                         |
| 5877019 | CodeQL | 7cbfb83       | 2021-04-01 05:49:25 UTC | Daniel Figucio  | Update codeql-analysis.yml              |
| 5876864 | CodeQL | adc456e       | 2021-04-01 05:44:12 UTC | Daniel Figucio  | added custom config to codeql analys... |
| 5876671 | CodeQL | 9128b15       | 2021-04-01 05:38:41 UTC | Daniel Figucio  | added a custom query                    |
| 5876116 | CodeQL | 1f14ad5       | 2021-04-01 05:21:38 UTC | Daniel Figucio  | Create codeql-analysis.yml              |

To get an report issue the command:
  ghasrd.rb -o affrae -r quickjavahelloworldmultimodule -g [ID]
where [ID] is the ID of the analysis report you are interested in from the table above.
For example:
  ghasrd.rb -o affrae -r quickjavahelloworldmultimodule -g  5876116 
to get the last report on that table                                                                                                                 /6.2s
➜  ghas-report-downloader git:(main) 

Downloading reports

Output directory

By default the reports will be downloaded to the directory you are calling the script from - not the directory the script is stored in. So for example if you issued the command:

cd myreports; ghasrd.rb -o myowner -r myrepo -g 5876671

the report(s) will be downloaded to the myreports directory

The -d [DIRECTORY] or --dir [DIRECTORY] option allows you to set where the reports will be downloaded to. The following command:

mkdir ~/myreports; ghasrd.rb -o myowner -r myrepo -g 5876671 -d ~/myreports

will download the report(s) to the myreports directory in your home directory - no matter where you call the script from.

By analysis ID

If you know the ID (or multiple IDs) for an analyis (you can get a list of IDs using the -l option), you can use the following command to download the report for each ID:

# single
ghasrd.rb -o [OWNER] -r [REPO] -g 5876671

# multiple
ghasrd.rb -o [OWNER] -r [REPO] -g 5876671,5876116

Files are stored in the format analysis_[ID].sarif

By Pull Request Number (PR)

If you know the number of a PR (or multiple PRs), you can use the following command to download the code scanning reports for the HEAD SHA of each PR:

# single
ghasrd.rb -o [OWNER] -r [REPO] -p 2045

# multiple
ghasrd.rb -o [OWNER] -r [REPO] -p 1257,2045

Files are stored in the format pr_[PR#]_analysis_[ID].sarif

By commit SHA

If you know the SHA of a commit (SHAs of multiple commits), you can use the following command to download the code scanning reports for each SHA:

# single
ghasrd.rb -o [OWNER] -r [REPO] -s 9128b15

# multiple
ghasrd.rb -o [OWNER] -r [REPO] -s 9128b15,7b1eccd

We can figure out what commit you’re referring to if you provide as few as the the first four characters of the SHA-1 hash, so long as that partial hash is unambiguous - that is, no other commit can have a hash that begins with the same prefix. This means you do not need to enter all 40 characters of every SHA-1 hash you are after 😈 .

Files are stored in the format sha_[SHA]_analysis_[ID].sarif

To Be Done

Short term (v1)

  • Error Checking and Handling
  • User Input Data checking and sanitization
  • Better details in the list reports function to help choose which report
  • Download the report(s) using the -g option (listing report analysis IDs)
  • Download the report(s) for the most recent commit to a Pull Request source branch using the -p option (listing Pull Request numbers )
  • Download the report(s) for a given Commit SHA or list of Commit SHAs
  • Enable an option to provide a directory to download the reports to
  • Better docs

Mid term (v2)

  • Verbose -v and -V levels sorted out (right now it is a little noisy)
  • Implement a unit testing framework
  • Suppport for generating a pdf version of the report using a -f, --format option
  • Support for GitHub Enterprise Server

Long term (v3)

  • Interactivity to filter, choose and download multiple reports within one execution of the tool
  • Convert to a gh cli tool extension


lists code scanning SARIF reports for a given GitHub hosted repository and allows the user to identify and download these reports.




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