This Coq library contains a hierarchy of monads with their laws used in several examples of monadic equational reasoning.
- Author(s):
- Reynald Affeldt (initial)
- David Nowak (initial)
- Takafumi Saikawa (initial)
- Jacques Garrigue
- Ayumu Saito
- Celestine Sauvage
- Kazunari Tanaka
- License: LGPL-2.1-or-later
- Compatible Coq versions: Coq 8.19-8.20
- Additional dependencies:
- Coq namespace:
- Related publication(s):
- A hierarchy of monadic effects for program verification using equational reasoning doi:10.1007/978-3-030-33636-3_9
- Extending Equational Monadic Reasoning with Monad Transformers doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.TYPES.2020.2
- A Trustful Monad for Axiomatic Reasoning with Probability and Nondeterminism doi:10.1017/S0956796821000137
- Towards a practical library for monadic equational reasoning in Coq doi:10.1007/978-3-031-16912-0_6
- Environment-friendly monadic equational reasoning for OCaml
The easiest way to install the latest released version of Monadic effects and equational reasoning in Coq is via OPAM:
opam repo add coq-released
opam install coq-monae
It installs two directories in coq/user-contrib
: monae
To instead build and install manually (with GNU make
), do:
git clone
cd monae
make -j 4
make install
This repository contains a formalization of monads including examples of monadic equational reasoning and several models. This includes for example the formalization of the following papers:
- [Gibbons and Hinze, Just do It: Simple Monadic Equational Reasoning, ICFP 2011] (except Sect. 10.2)
- [Gibbons, Unifying Theories of Programming with Monads, UTP 2012] (up to Sect. 7.2)
- [Mu, Equational Reasoning for Non-determinism Monad: A Case study of Spark Aggregation, TR-IIS-19-002, Academia Sinica]
- [Mu, Calculating a Backtracking Algorithm: An exercise in Monadic Program Derivation, TR-IIS-29-003, Academia Sinica]
- [Mu, Functional Pearls: Reasoning and Derivation of Monadic Programs, A case study of non-determinism and state, 2017]
- This is a draft paper. In the first release, we formalized this draft up to Sect. 5. The contents have been since superseded by [mu2019tr2] and [mu2019tr3].
- [Mu and Chiang, Deriving Monadic Quicksort (Declarative Pearl), 2020]
This library has been applied to other formalizations:
- application to program semantics (see file
) - formalization of monad composition [Jones and Duponcheel, Composing Monads, Yale RR 1993] (Sections 2 and 3)
- formalization of monad transformers [Jaskelioff, Modular Monad Transformers, ESOP 2009] (up to Sect. 4)
- completed with details from [Jaskelioff, Lifting of Operations in Modular Monadic Semantics, PhD 2009]
- see directory
for the formalization of [Jaskelioff, Modular Monad Transformers, ESOP 2009] (from Sect. 5)
- formalization of the geometrically convex monad (main reference: [Cheung, Distributive Interaction of Algebraic Effects, PhD Thesis, U. Oxford, 2017])
- core:
- preamble.v: simple additions to base libraries
- hierarchy.v: hierarchy of monadic effects
- category.v: formalization of concrete categories (generalization of the bottom layers of
) - monad_transformer.v: monad transformers
- completed by
in the directoryimpredicative_set
- the directory
contains a lighter version of Monae where monads live inSet
and that compiles withimpredicative-set
- the directory
- completed by
- libraries for each monad theory:
- monad_lib.v: basic lemmas about monads
- fail_lib.v: lemmas about the fail monad and related monads
- state_lib.v: lemmas about state-related monads
- array_lib.v: lemmas about the array monad
- trace_lib.v: lemmas about about the state-trace monad
- proba_lib.v: lemmas about the probability monad
- typed_store_lib.v: derived definitions and lemmas about about the typed store monad
- models of monads:
- monad_model.v: concrete models of monads
- proba_monad_model.v: model of the probability monad
- gcm_model.v: model of the geometrically convex monad
- altprob_model.v: model of a monad that mixes non-deterministic choice and probabilistic choice
- typed_store_model.v: alternative model of the typed store monad
- applications:
- example_relabeling.v: tree relabeling
- example_monty.v: Monty Hall problem
- example_spark.v: Spark aggregation
- example_iquicksort.v: in-place quicksort
- example_quicksort.v: functional quicksort
- example_nqueens.v: the n-queens puzzle
- example_typed_store.v: ML programs with references
- example_transformer.v: monad transformers
- smallstep.v: semantics for an imperative language, with equivalence operational semantics/denotation and sample imperative programs
- monad_composition.v: composing monads
- category_ext.v: experimental library about categories
Installation of monae on Windows is less simple. First install infotheo following the instructions for Windows 11. Once infotheo is installed (with opam), do:
opam install coq-monae
orgit clone [email protected]:affeldt-aist/monae.git; opam install .
Before version 0.2, monae was distributed under the terms of the GPL-3.0-or-later