The Aerospike Vector Search (AVS) CLI Tool is designed to simplify the management of AVS deployments. It offers features aimed at enhancing efficiency and productivity for users getting started with vector search.
Ensure you have an AVS instance up and running for asvec
to connect to.
Check out the AVS documentation for
instructions on getting started.
Download the latest release from GitHub Releases.
To verify the installation and view available commands, execute:
asvec --help
More features are in the works. Don't worry!
- Data Browsing: Easily run queries on an index.
- Index Management: Listing, creating, and dropping indexes.
- User Management: Listing, creating, and dropping users. Revoking and granting user's roles.
- Node visibility: Listing nodes and important metadata i.e. version, peers, etc.
- Watch Mode: Continuously monitor command output with automatic refresh using the
Some commands support a watch mode that continuously refreshes the output at a specified interval. This is useful for monitoring changes in real-time.
The following commands support watch mode:
node list
(and its aliasnode ls
)index list
(and its aliasindex ls
To use watch mode, add the --watch
flag to any supported command:
asvec node list --watch
By default, the command will refresh every 2 seconds. You can change the refresh interval using the --watch-interval
asvec node list --watch --watch-interval 5 # Refresh every 5 seconds
Press Ctrl+C to exit watch mode.
All connection related command-line flags can also be configured using a
configuration file. By default, the configuration file is installed at
. Asvec checks for the existence of asvec.yml
both /etc/aerospike
and the current working directory. If your configuration
file is elsewhere use the --config-file
To support multi-cluster scenarios the configuration file requires nesting keys
under the cluster-name
. By default, when a configuration file is loaded the
cluster name is used. To use a cluster-name other than default
the --cluster-name
Example asvec.yml:
# Host address of the Aerospike server.
# Uncomment and configure the 'host' field as needed.
host: # Use host when using a load-balancer
# seeds:, # Use seeds when not using a load-balancer
# Credentials for authenticating with the Aerospike server.
# Format: username:password
credentials: admin:admin
# TLS Configuration (optional)
# Uncomment and provide the paths to the respective TLS files if secure communication is required.
tls-cafile: ./ca.crt # Path to the CA certificate file.
tls-certfile: ./cert.crt # Path to the client certificate file. (mtls)
tls-keyfile: ./key.key # Path to the client key file. (mtls)
# Additional cluster configuration example:
# cluster-2:
# host:
# credentials: foo:bar
# tls-cafile: ./other/ca.crt
# tls-certfile: ./other/cert.crt
# tls-keyfile: ./other/key.key
If you encounter an issue feel free to open a GitHub issue or discussion. Otherwise, if you are an enterprise customer, please contact support
Before pushing your changes run the tests and run the linter.
- Unit:
make unit
- Integrations:
make integration
- Coverage (Unit + Integration):
make coverage
make lint
Add the following to your .vscode/launch.json
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Launch Package",
"type": "go",
"request": "launch",
"mode": "auto",
"program": "main.go",
"args": [
"--log-level", "debug", // example: runs `node ls` with debug log level
"env": {
"ASVEC_HOST": "localhost:10000"
"go.testEnvVars": {
"ASVEC_TEST_SUITES": "0,1,2,3", # Allows the selection of tests suites based on index
"ASVEC_FAIL_FAST": "false" # Causes tests to fail immediately rather than finish the suites.
"go.testTags": "unit,integration,integration_large",
"go.buildFlags": [
This project is licensed under the Apache License. See the file for details.