A GraphQL Wrapper for Ellucian's Banner Student REST API
This project's purpose is to aggregate all of the StudentAPI endpoints into a single GraphQL endpoint with intuitive types that are connected via the proper relationships. Using GraphQL to expose the StudentAPI endpoints offers many benefits, however considering it is just a wrapper, many of the limitations of the REST implementation remain.
This project is a work in progress! This is also just a user-contributed project. I am not affiliated with Ellucian.
git clone https://github.com/aeiz/student-api-graphql.git cd student-api-graphql npm install
Edit config.js with your own settings.
Config Option | Description | Default |
API_BASE_URL | Point to your school's StudentAPI endpoint | https://api.university.edu/StudentApi/api |
SERVER_PROTOCOL | GraphQL Server Protocol (http or https) | http |
SERVER_ADDRESS | GraphQL Server Address | localhost |
SERVER_PORT | GraphQL Server Port Number | 3000 |
CRYPTO_ALGO | Crypto Algorithm | aes-256-ctr |
JWT_SECRET | JSON Web Token Secret | shhhhh! |
JWT_EXPIRE | JSON Web Token Expiration Duration (in minutes) | 60 |
npm start
Alternatively, if you use want to use forever, there is a wrapper (server.js) to support running babel-node via forever:
forever start server.js
Once the server is started, browse to http://localhost:3000/graphql to use GraphiQL (A graphical interactive in-browser GraphQL IDE).
This project relies on the authentication mechanism implemented in the StudentAPI (basic HTTP authentication) application. However, I've exposed a mutation (createAuthenticationToken) that enables authentication through JWTs (JSON Web Tokens). Either can be used.
If you want to use JWTs, here's an example of the GraphQL mutation you would use to retrieve the token:
mutation { createAuthenticationToken(username: "username", password:"password") { token expires } }
The schema is generated programmatically, but you can view the schema language description by browsing to http://localhost:3000/schema when the server is running. The schema language description is also saved in schema.graphql.
A graph diagram of the schema definition generated by graphqlviz is available here.
You can also view the schema interactively using the GraphQL Voyager tool here.
Documentation of the schema generated via graphql-docs is available here.
Here's an example query:
query { personIdentification(bannerId: "bannerId") { person { names { fullName firstName middleName lastName } dateOfBirth } } }
This project uses debug, which can be enabled by setting the DEBUG environment variable.
set DEBUG=*,-babel,-express*